ModPhred is a pipeline for detection, annotation and visualisation of DNA/RNA modifications (From Authors' documentation)..
Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --gres=gpu:p100:1,lscratch:200 --mem=16g --cpus-per-task=6 salloc.exe: Pending job allocation 46116226 salloc.exe: job 46116226 queued and waiting for resources salloc.exe: job 46116226 has been allocated resources salloc.exe: Granted job allocation 46116226 salloc.exe: Waiting for resource configuration salloc.exe: Nodes cn4224 are ready for job [user@cn4224 ~]$ export TMPDIR=/lscratch/${SLURM_JOB_ID} [user@cn4224 ~]$ module load modphred [user@cn4224 ~]$ cd /data/${USER} [user@cn4224 ~]$ wget -q -r -c -nc -np -nH --cut-dirs=6 --reject="index.html*" [user@cn4224 ~]$ run -f ref/ECOLI.fa -o OUTPUT -i PRJEB22772/* -t4 --host /usr/bin/guppy_basecall_server [2022-12-29 11:34:36] ===== Welcome, welcome to modPhred pipeline! ===== [2022-12-29 11:34:36] Starting /usr/bin/guppy_basecall_server ... [mem: 134 MB] [2022-12-29 11:34:40] Encoding modification info from 2 directories... [mem: 134 MB] [2022-12-29 11:34:40] PRJEB22772/MARC_ZFscreens_R9.4_1D-Ecoli-run_FAF05145 with 4 Fast5 file(s)... [mem: 134 MB] [2022-12-29 11:36:21] DNA alphabet with 2 modification(s) {'A': ['Y'], 'C': ['Z'], 'G': [], 'T': []}. symbol2modbase: {'Y': '6mA', 'Z': '5mC'} [2022-12-29 11:39:20] 106,722,317 bases saved in FastQ, of those: 332,925 6mA [ 0.312%], 160,288 5mC [ 0.150%] [2022-12-29 11:39:20] PRJEB22772/MARC_ZFscreens_R9.4_2D-Ecoli-run_FAF05711 with 1 Fast5 file(s)... [mem: 988 MB] [2022-12-29 11:41:40] DNA alphabet with 2 modification(s) {'A': ['Y'], 'C': ['Z'], 'G': [], 'T': []}. symbol2modbase: {'Y': '6mA', 'Z': '5mC'} [2022-12-29 11:41:40] 29,420,071 bases saved in FastQ, of those: 91,315 6mA [ 0.310%], 51,017 5mC [ 0.173%] [2022-12-29 11:41:40] Aligning FastQ files from 2 directories... [mem: 2292 MB] [2022-12-29 11:41:40] > OUTPUT/minimap2/MARC_ZFscreens_R9.4_1D-Ecoli-run_FAF05145.bam [mem: 2292 MB] [2022-12-29 11:42:01] > OUTPUT/minimap2/MARC_ZFscreens_R9.4_2D-Ecoli-run_FAF05711.bam [mem: 2292 MB] [2022-12-29 11:42:09] Indexing bam file(s)... [mem: 2392 MB] [2022-12-29 11:42:11] Reporting positions that are likely modified to OUTPUT/mod.gz ... [mem: 2392 MB] [2022-12-29 11:42:11] Getting regions covered by at least 25 reads... [mem: 2392 MB] [2022-12-29 11:42:12] 7 regions to process... [mem: 2392 MB] [2022-12-29 11:45:50] Loading modification data... [mem: 2392 MB] [2022-12-29 11:45:50] Plotting... [mem: 2392 MB] [2022-12-29 11:45:51] Saving modified positions with max frequency as OUTPUT/mod.bed (bedMethyl file) ... [mem: 2392 MB] [2022-12-29 11:45:51] and separately for every BAM file as OUTPUT/minimap2/*.bed ... [mem: 2392 MB] [2022-12-29 11:46:00] Saving plots for depth, basecall_accuracy, mod_frequency, median_mod_prob to OUTPUT/plots ... [mem: 2392 MB] [2022-12-29 11:46:05] You can remove reads directory: rm -r OUTPUT/reads/ [mem: 2392 MB] [2022-12-29 11:46:05] All finished! Have a nice day :) [mem: 2392 MB] #Time elapsed: 0:11:28.435555 [user@cn4224 ~]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226 [user@biowulf ~]$
Create a batch input file (e.g. similar to the following.
#! /bin/bash module load modphred run -f ref/ECOLI.fa -o OUTPUT -i PRJEB22772/* -t4 --host /usr/bin/guppy_basecall_server
Submit these jobs using the Slurm sbatch command:
sbatch --partition=gpu --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=16g --gres=lscratch:200,gpu:p100:1
Create a swarmfile for the pipeline (e.g. modphred.swarm). For example:
run -f ref/ECOLI.fa -o OUTPUT2 -i PRJEB22772/* -t4 --host /usr/bin/guppy_basecall_server run -f ref/ECOLI.fa -o OUTPUT3 -i PRJEB22773/* -t4 --host /usr/bin/guppy_basecall_server run -f ref/ECOLI.fa -o OUTPUT4 -i PRJEB22774/* -t4 --host /usr/bin/guppy_basecall_server
Submit this job using the swarm command.
swarm -f modphred.swarm --partition=gpu -g 16 -t 6 --gres=gpu:p100:1,lscratch:200 --module modphredwhere
-g # | Number of Gigabytes of memory required for each process (1 line in the swarm command file) |
--module modphred | Loads the modphred module for each subjob in the swarm |