MrBayes is a program for Bayesian inference and model choice across a wide range of phylogenetic and evolutionary models. MrBayes uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to estimate the posterior distribution of model parameters.
- Ronquist, F., M. Teslenko, P. van der Mark, D.L. Ayres, A. Darling, S. Höhna, B. Larget, L. Liu, M.A. Suchard, and J.P. Huelsenbeck. 2012. MRBAYES 3.2: Efficient Bayesian phylogenetic inference and model selection across a large model space. Syst. Biol. 61:539-542. doi:10.1093/sysbio/sys029
- Ronquist, F., and J.P. Huelsenbeck. 2003. MRBAYES 3: Bayesian phylogenetic inference under mixed models. Bioinformatics 19:1572-1574. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btg180
- Huelsenbeck, J.P., and F. Ronquist. 2001. MRBAYES: Bayesian inference of phylogeny. Bioinformatics 17:754-755. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/17.8.754
- Module Name: mrbayes (see the modules page for more information)
- Can run single-threaded, multi-threaded with MPI, or on a single GPU. From the manual:
The GPU code can be a lot faster than the CPU code, particularly for amino acid and codon models. However, the length of the sequences also influences the speed-up. In general, the longer the sequences are, the better GPU performance you can expect. If the sequences are short, the overhead involved in shuffling data to and from the GPU may well overshadow any performance gain you get in the computation step. Try the various calculator options out in short runs before you decide on the best option for longer runs.
If you run multiple simultaneous runs or use Metropolis coupling, which is standard practice with MrBayes, then you can speed up your analyses considerably by using the MPI version of MrBayes.
MrBayes supports checkpointing, so use sbatch's --no-requeue flag to allow editing your job to resume from a checkpoint in case of failure.
From the manual:
Since version 3.2, MrBayes prints all parameter values of all chains (cold and heated) to a checkpoint file every Checkfreq generations, by default every 2,000 generations. The checkpoint file has the suffix .ckp. If you run an analysis and it is stopped prematurely, you can restart it from the last checkpoint by using mcmc append=yes. MrBayes will start the new analysis from the checkpoint; it will even read in all the old trees and include them in the convergence diagnostics. At the end of the new run, you will have parameter and tree files that are indistinguishable from those you would have obtained from an uninterrupted analysis.
- Environment variables set
- Example files in $MRBAYES_HOME/share/examples/mrbayes/
The following sample sessions run the simple tutorial described in the manual using single-threaded, multi-threaded, and GPU modes. They differ in how the allocation is created and, in the case of MPI operation, how the application is first started.
single CPU
[user@biowulf user]$ sinteractive salloc.exe: Pending job allocation 24780751 salloc.exe: job 24780751 queued and waiting for resources salloc.exe: job 24780751 has been allocated resources salloc.exe: Granted job allocation 24780751 salloc.exe: Waiting for resource configuration salloc.exe: Nodes cn3160 are ready for job srun: error: x11: no local DISPLAY defined, skipping [user@cn3160 user]$ module load mrbayes [+] Loading gcc 6.4.0 ... [+] Loading openmpi 3.1.2 for GCC 6.4.0 [+] Loading mrbayes, version 3.2.7... [user@cn3160 user]$ mkdir mrbayes && cd mrbayes [user@cn3160 mrbayes]$ cp $MRBAYES_HOME/share/examples/mrbayes/primates.nex . [user@cn3160 mrbayes]$ mb MrBayes 3.2.7 x86_64 (Bayesian Analysis of Phylogeny) (Parallel version) (1 processors available) Distributed under the GNU General Public License Type "help" or "help <command>" for information on the commands that are available. Type "about" for authorship and general information about the program. MrBayes > execute primates.nex Executing file "primates.nex" DOS line termination Longest line length = 920 Parsing file Expecting NEXUS formatted file Reading data block Allocated taxon set Allocated matrix Defining new matrix with 12 taxa and 898 characters Data is Dna Data matrix is not interleaved Gaps coded as - Taxon 1 -> Tarsius_syrichta Taxon 2 -> Lemur_catta Taxon 3 -> Homo_sapiens Taxon 4 -> Pan Taxon 5 -> Gorilla Taxon 6 -> Pongo Taxon 7 -> Hylobates Taxon 8 -> Macaca_fuscata Taxon 9 -> M_mulatta Taxon 10 -> M_fascicularis Taxon 11 -> M_sylvanus Taxon 12 -> Saimiri_sciureus Successfully read matrix Setting default partition (does not divide up characters) Setting model defaults Seed (for generating default start values) = 1555622841 Setting output file names to "<i>.<p|t>" Exiting data block Reached end of file MrBayes > lset nst=6 rates=invgamma Setting Nst to 6 Setting Rates to Invgamma Successfully set likelihood model parameters MrBayes > mcmc ngen=20000 samplefreq=100 printfreq=100 diagnfreq=1000 Setting number of generations to 20000 Setting sample frequency to 100 Running Markov chain MCMC stamp = 8692445572 Seed = 30626700 Swapseed = 1555622841 Model settings: Data not partitioned -- Datatype = DNA Nucmodel = 4by4 Nst = 6 Substitution rates, expressed as proportions of the rate sum, have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Covarion = No # States = 4 State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Rates = Invgamma The distribution is approximated using 4 categories. Shape parameter is exponentially distributed with parameter (1.00). Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist- ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00). Active parameters: Parameters --------------------- Revmat 1 Statefreq 2 Shape 3 Pinvar 4 Ratemultiplier 5 Topology 6 Brlens 7 --------------------- 1 -- Parameter = Revmat Type = Rates of reversible rate matrix Prior = Dirichlet(1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) 2 -- Parameter = Pi Type = Stationary state frequencies Prior = Dirichlet 3 -- Parameter = Alpha Type = Shape of scaled gamma distribution of site rates Prior = Exponential(1.00) 4 -- Parameter = Pinvar Type = Proportion of invariable sites Prior = Uniform(0.00,1.00) 5 -- Parameter = Ratemultiplier Type = Partition-specific rate multiplier Prior = Fixed(1.0) 6 -- Parameter = Tau Type = Topology Prior = All topologies equally probable a priori Subparam. = V 7 -- Parameter = V Type = Branch lengths Prior = Unconstrained:GammaDir(1.0,0.1000,1.0,1.0) Number of chains per MPI processor = 8 The MCMC sampler will use the following moves: With prob. Chain will use move 0.93 % Dirichlet(Revmat) 0.93 % Slider(Revmat) 0.93 % Dirichlet(Pi) 0.93 % Slider(Pi) 1.85 % Multiplier(Alpha) 1.85 % Slider(Pinvar) 9.26 % ExtSPR(Tau,V) 9.26 % ExtTBR(Tau,V) 9.26 % NNI(Tau,V) 9.26 % ParsSPR(Tau,V) 37.04 % Multiplier(V) 12.96 % Nodeslider(V) 5.56 % TLMultiplier(V) Division 1 has 413 unique site patterns Initializing conditional likelihoods Running benchmarks to automatically select fastest BEAGLE resource... Using BEAGLE v3.1.2 resource 0 for division 1: Rsrc Name : CPU Impl Name : CPU-4State-Single Flags: PROCESSOR_CPU PRECISION_SINGLE COMPUTATION_SYNCH EIGEN_REAL SCALING_MANUAL SCALERS_RAW VECTOR_NONE THREADING_CPP MODEL STATES: 4 Initializing invariable-site conditional likelihoods Initial log likelihoods and log prior probs for run 1: Chain 1 -- -8803.174992 -- 42.620562 Chain 2 -- -8887.607821 -- 42.620562 Chain 3 -- -8612.869815 -- 42.620562 Chain 4 -- -8522.921441 -- 42.620562 Initial log likelihoods and log prior probs for run 2: Chain 1 -- -8679.106083 -- 42.620562 Chain 2 -- -9046.716149 -- 42.620562 Chain 3 -- -8486.154983 -- 42.620562 Chain 4 -- -8760.764335 -- 42.620562 Using a relative burnin of 25.0 % for diagnostics Chain results (20000 generations requested): 0 -- [-8803.175] (-8887.608) (-8612.870) (-8522.921) * [-8679.106] (-9046.716) (-8486.155) (-8760.764) (...0 remote chains...) 1000 -- (-5992.439) (-6049.599) (-6013.840) [-5968.341] * [-5911.315] (-6029.790) (-6070.369) (-6060.764) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:19 2000 -- [-5864.131] (-5894.405) (-5927.265) (-5891.980) * [-5785.441] (-5916.646) (-6005.412) (-5875.297) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:36 3000 -- (-5819.796) (-5839.428) (-5889.297) [-5787.887] * [-5741.932] (-5828.153) (-5866.805) (-5775.116) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:01:25 4000 -- [-5741.953] (-5797.157) (-5773.872) (-5751.430) * (-5743.271) (-5806.691) (-5820.159) [-5744.328] (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:01:04 5000 -- [-5729.026] (-5781.991) (-5748.914) (-5735.459) * (-5731.240) (-5750.312) (-5766.323) [-5734.272] (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 6000 -- [-5726.299] (-5758.040) (-5738.510) (-5724.524) * (-5722.869) [-5738.720] (-5757.223) (-5723.481) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:42 7000 -- (-5724.209) (-5726.639) [-5726.048] (-5723.930) * (-5722.860) (-5723.057) (-5741.001) [-5725.379] (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:01:12 8000 -- (-5722.836) (-5738.059) [-5726.183] (-5735.521) * (-5721.778) (-5727.580) (-5735.357) [-5726.899] (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:01:00 9000 -- (-5722.199) [-5724.381] (-5729.216) (-5727.787) * (-5724.959) (-5728.901) (-5737.999) [-5729.190] (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:50 10000 -- (-5722.838) (-5724.077) [-5723.598] (-5723.395) * (-5728.865) [-5729.452] (-5722.015) (-5733.628) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.001034 11000 -- [-5722.571] (-5742.559) (-5728.971) (-5726.905) * (-5730.962) (-5727.398) (-5724.377) [-5729.311] (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:34 12000 -- (-5728.377) [-5722.619] (-5724.693) (-5723.195) * (-5723.553) [-5719.051] (-5734.158) (-5729.540) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:28 13000 -- (-5728.154) (-5730.298) (-5722.790) [-5726.406] * (-5729.549) [-5721.158] (-5739.788) (-5741.450) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:23 14000 -- (-5725.711) [-5728.830] (-5725.949) (-5723.317) * (-5731.914) (-5724.208) (-5730.943) [-5729.157] (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:19 15000 -- [-5724.016] (-5743.916) (-5729.716) (-5726.448) * (-5725.390) (-5729.683) (-5728.894) [-5720.638] (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.001378 16000 -- (-5726.544) (-5732.291) (-5726.437) [-5729.115] * (-5729.030) (-5731.877) (-5722.591) [-5719.019] (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:12 17000 -- (-5723.574) [-5724.367] (-5721.819) (-5726.479) * (-5728.811) (-5728.894) [-5723.818] (-5733.027) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:08 18000 -- (-5735.050) (-5723.310) [-5725.305] (-5726.638) * (-5723.073) (-5728.121) (-5720.994) [-5731.460] (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:05 19000 -- [-5731.532] (-5725.784) (-5723.220) (-5716.554) * (-5740.380) (-5718.239) (-5730.634) [-5727.171] (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:02 20000 -- (-5725.996) (-5726.782) (-5720.546) [-5721.486] * [-5721.475] (-5724.620) (-5726.671) (-5717.234) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.001041 Continue with analysis? (yes/no): no Analysis completed in 52 seconds Analysis used 25.60 seconds of CPU time on processor 0 Likelihood of best state for "cold" chain of run 1 was -5715.13 Likelihood of best state for "cold" chain of run 2 was -5715.39 Acceptance rates for the moves in the "cold" chain of run 1: With prob. (last 100) chain accepted proposals by move 36.9 % ( 40 %) Dirichlet(Revmat) 61.2 % ( 61 %) Slider(Revmat) 17.3 % ( 19 %) Dirichlet(Pi) 24.3 % ( 27 %) Slider(Pi) 37.6 % ( 34 %) Multiplier(Alpha) 65.9 % ( 69 %) Slider(Pinvar) 0.1 % ( 0 %) ExtSPR(Tau,V) 0.2 % ( 0 %) ExtTBR(Tau,V) 0.2 % ( 0 %) NNI(Tau,V) 0.4 % ( 0 %) ParsSPR(Tau,V) 37.2 % ( 25 %) Multiplier(V) 23.2 % ( 22 %) Nodeslider(V) 14.7 % ( 11 %) TLMultiplier(V) Acceptance rates for the moves in the "cold" chain of run 2: With prob. (last 100) chain accepted proposals by move 33.3 % ( 36 %) Dirichlet(Revmat) 65.3 % ( 63 %) Slider(Revmat) 16.7 % ( 10 %) Dirichlet(Pi) 22.9 % ( 19 %) Slider(Pi) 40.6 % ( 39 %) Multiplier(Alpha) 62.7 % ( 65 %) Slider(Pinvar) 0.3 % ( 0 %) ExtSPR(Tau,V) 0.3 % ( 0 %) ExtTBR(Tau,V) 0.2 % ( 0 %) NNI(Tau,V) 0.5 % ( 1 %) ParsSPR(Tau,V) 36.8 % ( 29 %) Multiplier(V) 23.9 % ( 25 %) Nodeslider(V) 15.2 % ( 16 %) TLMultiplier(V) Chain swap information for run 1: 1 2 3 4 -------------------------- 1 | 0.67 0.42 0.29 2 | 3381 0.65 0.45 3 | 3280 3347 0.66 4 | 3323 3332 3337 Chain swap information for run 2: 1 2 3 4 -------------------------- 1 | 0.66 0.41 0.23 2 | 3374 0.61 0.40 3 | 3268 3287 0.62 4 | 3364 3340 3367 Upper diagonal: Proportion of successful state exchanges between chains Lower diagonal: Number of attempted state exchanges between chains Chain information: ID -- Heat ----------- 1 -- 1.00 (cold chain) 2 -- 0.91 3 -- 0.83 4 -- 0.77 Heat = 1 / (1 + T * (ID - 1)) (where T = 0.10 is the temperature and ID is the chain number) MrBayes > quit Quitting program [user@cn3160 mrbayes]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 24780751 [user@biowulf user]$
multiple CPUs with MPI
[user@biowulf ~]$ sinteractive --ntasks 8 --ntasks-per-core 1 salloc.exe: Pending job allocation 24837664 salloc.exe: job 24837664 queued and waiting for resources salloc.exe: job 24837664 has been allocated resources salloc.exe: Granted job allocation 24837664 salloc.exe: Waiting for resource configuration salloc.exe: Nodes cn3112 are ready for job srun: error: x11: no local DISPLAY defined, skipping [user@cn3112 ~]$ module load mrbayes [+] Loading gcc 6.4.0 ... [+] Loading openmpi 3.1.2 for GCC 6.4.0 [+] Loading mrbayes, version 3.2.7... [user@cn3112 ~]$ mkdir mrbayes && cd mrbayes [user@cn3112 mrbayes]$ cp $MRBAYES_HOME/share/examples/mrbayes/primates.nex . [user@cn3112 mrbayes]$ mpirun -np $SLURM_NTASKS mb MrBayes 3.2.7 x86_64 (Bayesian Analysis of Phylogeny) (Parallel version) (8 processors available) Distributed under the GNU General Public License Type "help" or "help <command>" for information on the commands that are available. Type "about" for authorship and general information about the program. MrBayes > execute primates.nex Executing file "primates.nex" DOS line termination Longest line length = 920 Parsing file Expecting NEXUS formatted file Reading data block Allocated taxon set Allocated matrix Defining new matrix with 12 taxa and 898 characters Data is Dna Data matrix is not interleaved Gaps coded as - Taxon 1 -> Tarsius_syrichta Taxon 2 -> Lemur_catta Taxon 3 -> Homo_sapiens Taxon 4 -> Pan Taxon 5 -> Gorilla Taxon 6 -> Pongo Taxon 7 -> Hylobates Taxon 8 -> Macaca_fuscata Taxon 9 -> M_mulatta Taxon 10 -> M_fascicularis Taxon 11 -> M_sylvanus Taxon 12 -> Saimiri_sciureus Successfully read matrix Setting default partition (does not divide up characters) Setting model defaults Seed (for generating default start values) = 1555705864 Setting output file names to "<i>.<p|t>" Exiting data block Reached end of file MrBayes > lset nst=6 rates=invgamma Setting Nst to 6 Setting Rates to Invgamma Successfully set likelihood model parameters MrBayes > mcmc ngen=20000 samplefreq=100 Setting number of generations to 20000 Setting sample frequency to 100 Running Markov chain MCMC stamp = 5367313892 Seed = 3019911 Swapseed = 1555705864 Model settings: Data not partitioned -- Datatype = DNA Nucmodel = 4by4 Nst = 6 Substitution rates, expressed as proportions of the rate sum, have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Covarion = No # States = 4 State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Rates = Invgamma The distribution is approximated using 4 categories. Shape parameter is exponentially distributed with parameter (1.00). Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist- ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00). Active parameters: Parameters --------------------- Revmat 1 Statefreq 2 Shape 3 Pinvar 4 Ratemultiplier 5 Topology 6 Brlens 7 --------------------- 1 -- Parameter = Revmat Type = Rates of reversible rate matrix Prior = Dirichlet(1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) 2 -- Parameter = Pi Type = Stationary state frequencies Prior = Dirichlet 3 -- Parameter = Alpha Type = Shape of scaled gamma distribution of site rates Prior = Exponential(1.00) 4 -- Parameter = Pinvar Type = Proportion of invariable sites Prior = Uniform(0.00,1.00) 5 -- Parameter = Ratemultiplier Type = Partition-specific rate multiplier Prior = Fixed(1.0) 6 -- Parameter = Tau Type = Topology Prior = All topologies equally probable a priori Subparam. = V 7 -- Parameter = V Type = Branch lengths Prior = Unconstrained:GammaDir(1.0,0.1000,1.0,1.0) Number of chains per MPI processor = 1 The MCMC sampler will use the following moves: With prob. Chain will use move 0.93 % Dirichlet(Revmat) 0.93 % Slider(Revmat) 0.93 % Dirichlet(Pi) 0.93 % Slider(Pi) 1.85 % Multiplier(Alpha) 1.85 % Slider(Pinvar) 9.26 % ExtSPR(Tau,V) 9.26 % ExtTBR(Tau,V) 9.26 % NNI(Tau,V) 9.26 % ParsSPR(Tau,V) 37.04 % Multiplier(V) 12.96 % Nodeslider(V) 5.56 % TLMultiplier(V) Division 1 has 413 unique site patterns Initializing conditional likelihoods Running benchmarks to automatically select fastest BEAGLE resource... Using BEAGLE v3.1.2 resource 0 for division 1: Rsrc Name : CPU Impl Name : CPU-4State-Single Flags: PROCESSOR_CPU PRECISION_SINGLE COMPUTATION_SYNCH EIGEN_REAL SCALING_MANUAL SCALERS_RAW VECTOR_NONE THREADING_CPP MODEL STATES: 4 Initializing invariable-site conditional likelihoods Initial log likelihoods and log prior probs for run 1: Chain 1 -- -8886.343679 -- 42.620562 There are 7 more chains on other processor(s) Using a relative burnin of 25.0 % for diagnostics Chain results (20000 generations requested): 0 -- [-8886.344] [...7 remote chains...] 1000 -- [-5901.771] [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:00 2000 -- [-5836.424] [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:00 3000 -- (-5812.036) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:05 4000 -- (-5752.144) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:04 5000 -- (-5732.309) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.002015 6000 -- [-5722.850] [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:04 7000 -- (-5728.707) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:03 8000 -- (-5723.999) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:03 9000 -- (-5729.417) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:03 10000 -- (-5728.500) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:02 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.003101 11000 -- (-5724.098) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:02 12000 -- (-5724.540) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:02 13000 -- (-5735.209) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:02 14000 -- (-5731.311) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:01 15000 -- [-5719.576] [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.001378 16000 -- (-5728.118) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:01 17000 -- (-5738.108) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:00 18000 -- (-5736.811) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:00 19000 -- (-5733.949) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:00 20000 -- (-5728.526) [...7 remote chains...] -- 0:00:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.001561 Continue with analysis? (yes/no): no Analysis completed in 6 seconds Analysis used 6.41 seconds of CPU time on processor 0 Likelihood of best state for "cold" chain of run 1 was -5716.44 Likelihood of best state for "cold" chain of run 2 was -5716.44 Acceptance rates for the moves in the "cold" chain of run 1: With prob. (last 100) chain accepted proposals by move 32.3 % ( 28 %) Dirichlet(Revmat) 61.6 % ( 61 %) Slider(Revmat) 18.1 % ( 16 %) Dirichlet(Pi) 22.1 % ( 22 %) Slider(Pi) 41.1 % ( 47 %) Multiplier(Alpha) 62.9 % ( 66 %) Slider(Pinvar) 0.1 % ( 0 %) ExtSPR(Tau,V) 0.2 % ( 0 %) ExtTBR(Tau,V) 0.4 % ( 0 %) NNI(Tau,V) 0.6 % ( 0 %) ParsSPR(Tau,V) 36.8 % ( 26 %) Multiplier(V) 23.8 % ( 24 %) Nodeslider(V) 14.5 % ( 17 %) TLMultiplier(V) Acceptance rates for the moves in the "cold" chain of run 2: With prob. (last 100) chain accepted proposals by move 31.5 % ( 36 %) Dirichlet(Revmat) 60.8 % ( 60 %) Slider(Revmat) 19.7 % ( 24 %) Dirichlet(Pi) 21.4 % ( 21 %) Slider(Pi) 33.2 % ( 29 %) Multiplier(Alpha) 71.1 % ( 71 %) Slider(Pinvar) 0.3 % ( 0 %) ExtSPR(Tau,V) 0.1 % ( 0 %) ExtTBR(Tau,V) 0.6 % ( 3 %) NNI(Tau,V) 0.6 % ( 0 %) ParsSPR(Tau,V) 36.2 % ( 40 %) Multiplier(V) 24.3 % ( 21 %) Nodeslider(V) 15.3 % ( 19 %) TLMultiplier(V) Chain swap information for run 1: 1 2 3 4 -------------------------- 1 | 0.68 0.46 0.34 2 | 3307 0.69 0.47 3 | 3354 3333 0.65 4 | 3258 3360 3388 Chain swap information for run 2: 1 2 3 4 -------------------------- 1 | 0.60 0.44 0.32 2 | 3297 0.69 0.48 3 | 3278 3255 0.71 4 | 3334 3353 3483 Upper diagonal: Proportion of successful state exchanges between chains Lower diagonal: Number of attempted state exchanges between chains Chain information: ID -- Heat ----------- 1 -- 1.00 (cold chain) 2 -- 0.91 3 -- 0.83 4 -- 0.77 Heat = 1 / (1 + T * (ID - 1)) (where T = 0.10 is the temperature and ID is the chain number) MrBayes > quit Deleting previously defined characters Deleting previously defined taxa Quitting program [user@cn3112 mrbayes]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 24837664 [user@biowulf ~]$
single GPU
[user@biowulf ~]$ sinteractive --gres gpu:p100:1 salloc.exe: Pending job allocation 24838742 salloc.exe: job 24838742 queued and waiting for resources salloc.exe: job 24838742 has been allocated resources salloc.exe: Granted job allocation 24838742 salloc.exe: Waiting for resource configuration salloc.exe: Nodes cn2351 are ready for job srun: error: x11: no local DISPLAY defined, skipping [user@cn2351 ~]$ module load mrbayes [+] Loading gcc 6.4.0 ... [+] Loading openmpi 3.1.2 for GCC 6.4.0 [+] Loading mrbayes, version 3.2.7... [user@cn2351 ~]$ mkdir mrbayes && cd mrbayes [user@cn2351 mrbayes]$ cp $MRBAYES_HOME/share/examples/mrbayes/primates.nex . [user@cn2351 mrbayes]$ mb MrBayes 3.2.7 x86_64 (Bayesian Analysis of Phylogeny) (Parallel version) (1 processors available) Distributed under the GNU General Public License Type "help" or "help <command>" for information on the commands that are available. Type "about" for authorship and general information about the program. MrBayes > execute primates.nex Executing file "primates.nex" DOS line termination Longest line length = 920 Parsing file Expecting NEXUS formatted file Reading data block Allocated taxon set Allocated matrix Defining new matrix with 12 taxa and 898 characters Data is Dna Data matrix is not interleaved Gaps coded as - Taxon 1 -> Tarsius_syrichta Taxon 2 -> Lemur_catta Taxon 3 -> Homo_sapiens Taxon 4 -> Pan Taxon 5 -> Gorilla Taxon 6 -> Pongo Taxon 7 -> Hylobates Taxon 8 -> Macaca_fuscata Taxon 9 -> M_mulatta Taxon 10 -> M_fascicularis Taxon 11 -> M_sylvanus Taxon 12 -> Saimiri_sciureus Successfully read matrix Setting default partition (does not divide up characters) Setting model defaults Seed (for generating default start values) = 1555707139 Setting output file names to "<i>.<p|t>" Exiting data block Reached end of file MrBayes > lset nst=6 rates=invgamma Setting Nst to 6 Setting Rates to Invgamma Successfully set likelihood model parameters MrBayes > mcmc ngen=20000 samplefreq=100 Setting number of generations to 20000 Setting sample frequency to 100 Running Markov chain MCMC stamp = 5005632409 Seed = 1921241950 Swapseed = 1555707139 Model settings: Data not partitioned -- Datatype = DNA Nucmodel = 4by4 Nst = 6 Substitution rates, expressed as proportions of the rate sum, have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Covarion = No # States = 4 State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Rates = Invgamma The distribution is approximated using 4 categories. Shape parameter is exponentially distributed with parameter (1.00). Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist- ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00). Active parameters: Parameters --------------------- Revmat 1 Statefreq 2 Shape 3 Pinvar 4 Ratemultiplier 5 Topology 6 Brlens 7 --------------------- 1 -- Parameter = Revmat Type = Rates of reversible rate matrix Prior = Dirichlet(1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) 2 -- Parameter = Pi Type = Stationary state frequencies Prior = Dirichlet 3 -- Parameter = Alpha Type = Shape of scaled gamma distribution of site rates Prior = Exponential(1.00) 4 -- Parameter = Pinvar Type = Proportion of invariable sites Prior = Uniform(0.00,1.00) 5 -- Parameter = Ratemultiplier Type = Partition-specific rate multiplier Prior = Fixed(1.0) 6 -- Parameter = Tau Type = Topology Prior = All topologies equally probable a priori Subparam. = V 7 -- Parameter = V Type = Branch lengths Prior = Unconstrained:GammaDir(1.0,0.1000,1.0,1.0) Number of chains per MPI processor = 8 The MCMC sampler will use the following moves: With prob. Chain will use move 0.93 % Dirichlet(Revmat) 0.93 % Slider(Revmat) 0.93 % Dirichlet(Pi) 0.93 % Slider(Pi) 1.85 % Multiplier(Alpha) 1.85 % Slider(Pinvar) 9.26 % ExtSPR(Tau,V) 9.26 % ExtTBR(Tau,V) 9.26 % NNI(Tau,V) 9.26 % ParsSPR(Tau,V) 37.04 % Multiplier(V) 12.96 % Nodeslider(V) 5.56 % TLMultiplier(V) Division 1 has 413 unique site patterns Initializing conditional likelihoods Running benchmarks to automatically select fastest BEAGLE resource... Using BEAGLE v3.1.2 resource 1 for division 1: Rsrc Name : Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB Impl Name : CUDA-Single Flags: PROCESSOR_GPU PRECISION_SINGLE COMPUTATION_SYNCH EIGEN_REAL SCALING_MANUAL SCALERS_RAW VECTOR_NONE THREADING_NONE MODEL STATES: 4 Initializing invariable-site conditional likelihoods Initial log likelihoods and log prior probs for run 1: Chain 1 -- -8919.411522 -- 42.620562 Chain 2 -- -8771.563296 -- 42.620562 Chain 3 -- -8518.126563 -- 42.620562 Chain 4 -- -8946.939621 -- 42.620562 Initial log likelihoods and log prior probs for run 2: Chain 1 -- -8592.085448 -- 42.620562 Chain 2 -- -8440.938886 -- 42.620562 Chain 3 -- -8688.754041 -- 42.620562 Chain 4 -- -8894.529587 -- 42.620562 Using a relative burnin of 25.0 % for diagnostics Chain results (20000 generations requested): 0 -- [-8919.412] (-8771.563) (-8518.127) (-8946.940) * [-8592.085] (-8440.939) (-8688.754) (-8894.530) (...0 remote chains...) 1000 -- [-6047.895] (-6056.430) (-6120.001) (-6125.120) * (-6028.749) (-6107.900) [-5983.082] (-6096.173) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:19 2000 -- (-5966.556) [-5940.409] (-5939.939) (-6091.188) * [-5861.574] (-6038.474) (-5897.188) (-5919.859) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:18 3000 -- (-5867.629) (-5829.385) [-5814.568] (-5997.532) * (-5844.656) (-5979.460) [-5845.484] (-5852.948) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:17 4000 -- (-5821.305) [-5746.622] (-5792.056) (-5880.442) * [-5778.875] (-5917.413) (-5817.247) (-5801.371) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:16 5000 -- (-5782.367) [-5733.577] (-5754.473) (-5811.744) * (-5765.074) (-5849.911) [-5780.278] (-5768.608) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.000000 6000 -- (-5740.663) [-5729.112] (-5736.163) (-5769.044) * [-5731.089] (-5773.169) (-5742.422) (-5735.368) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:11 7000 -- (-5740.729) (-5735.838) (-5722.699) [-5738.829] * (-5727.399) (-5739.974) [-5733.467] (-5737.091) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:11 8000 -- (-5732.037) (-5723.254) (-5729.979) [-5733.471] * [-5722.192] (-5733.728) (-5733.738) (-5726.980) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:10 9000 -- (-5738.576) (-5725.501) (-5730.153) [-5721.744] * [-5725.951] (-5719.629) (-5734.888) (-5722.782) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:09 10000 -- (-5728.964) (-5739.340) [-5720.749] (-5721.835) * (-5723.985) [-5720.800] (-5727.622) (-5727.411) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.001034 11000 -- [-5729.477] (-5733.644) (-5723.735) (-5721.479) * (-5728.937) (-5724.185) [-5722.981] (-5723.809) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:07 12000 -- [-5727.612] (-5735.605) (-5720.857) (-5735.472) * (-5733.317) (-5723.410) (-5728.018) [-5723.994] (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:06 13000 -- (-5726.903) [-5720.852] (-5727.963) (-5729.000) * (-5732.313) [-5723.682] (-5723.280) (-5725.235) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:05 14000 -- (-5734.467) [-5725.775] (-5725.319) (-5739.813) * [-5723.447] (-5734.556) (-5735.317) (-5732.822) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:05 15000 -- (-5728.179) (-5721.962) (-5724.484) [-5729.233] * [-5725.047] (-5729.352) (-5734.814) (-5729.500) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.001378 16000 -- (-5726.266) (-5719.612) (-5723.972) [-5725.508] * (-5724.286) [-5719.120] (-5726.067) (-5727.467) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:03 17000 -- (-5724.019) (-5721.611) (-5728.017) [-5732.297] * (-5732.124) [-5721.600] (-5722.171) (-5723.226) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:02 18000 -- (-5725.945) (-5737.688) [-5727.868] (-5722.582) * [-5727.586] (-5727.064) (-5733.604) (-5724.478) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:01 19000 -- (-5727.067) (-5721.765) (-5739.332) [-5722.077] * [-5719.814] (-5730.075) (-5734.928) (-5726.458) (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:00 20000 -- (-5732.071) [-5721.275] (-5726.843) (-5717.984) * (-5725.414) (-5733.573) (-5724.125) [-5722.246] (...0 remote chains...) -- 0:00:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.001041 Continue with analysis? (yes/no): no Analysis completed in 17 seconds Analysis used 16.29 seconds of CPU time on processor 0 Likelihood of best state for "cold" chain of run 1 was -5716.00 Likelihood of best state for "cold" chain of run 2 was -5715.33 Acceptance rates for the moves in the "cold" chain of run 1: With prob. (last 100) chain accepted proposals by move 37.6 % ( 41 %) Dirichlet(Revmat) 58.4 % ( 57 %) Slider(Revmat) 19.3 % ( 18 %) Dirichlet(Pi) 20.3 % ( 21 %) Slider(Pi) 36.3 % ( 37 %) Multiplier(Alpha) 63.5 % ( 64 %) Slider(Pinvar) 0.1 % ( 0 %) ExtSPR(Tau,V) 0.2 % ( 0 %) ExtTBR(Tau,V) 0.5 % ( 0 %) NNI(Tau,V) 0.7 % ( 0 %) ParsSPR(Tau,V) 36.5 % ( 32 %) Multiplier(V) 24.2 % ( 27 %) Nodeslider(V) 13.9 % ( 17 %) TLMultiplier(V) Acceptance rates for the moves in the "cold" chain of run 2: With prob. (last 100) chain accepted proposals by move 38.4 % ( 42 %) Dirichlet(Revmat) 54.4 % ( 56 %) Slider(Revmat) 14.6 % ( 17 %) Dirichlet(Pi) 22.1 % ( 20 %) Slider(Pi) 35.1 % ( 39 %) Multiplier(Alpha) 66.7 % ( 68 %) Slider(Pinvar) 0.4 % ( 0 %) ExtSPR(Tau,V) 0.3 % ( 0 %) ExtTBR(Tau,V) 0.3 % ( 0 %) NNI(Tau,V) 0.5 % ( 0 %) ParsSPR(Tau,V) 36.6 % ( 21 %) Multiplier(V) 24.9 % ( 30 %) Nodeslider(V) 12.5 % ( 11 %) TLMultiplier(V) Chain swap information for run 1: 1 2 3 4 -------------------------- 1 | 0.60 0.40 0.26 2 | 3285 0.64 0.38 3 | 3260 3342 0.58 4 | 3403 3348 3362 Chain swap information for run 2: 1 2 3 4 -------------------------- 1 | 0.65 0.46 0.30 2 | 3451 0.71 0.41 3 | 3386 3250 0.57 4 | 3304 3271 3338 Upper diagonal: Proportion of successful state exchanges between chains Lower diagonal: Number of attempted state exchanges between chains Chain information: ID -- Heat ----------- 1 -- 1.00 (cold chain) 2 -- 0.91 3 -- 0.83 4 -- 0.77 Heat = 1 / (1 + T * (ID - 1)) (where T = 0.10 is the temperature and ID is the chain number) MrBayes > quit Deleting previously defined characters Deleting previously defined taxa Quitting program [user@cn2351 mrbayes]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 24838742 [user@biowulf ~]$
First, create a script, primates-gtr-gamma.nex to execute your MrBayes commands:
begin mrbayes; set autoclose=yes nowarn=yes; execute primates.nex; lset nst=6 rates=gamma; mcmc nruns=1 ngen=10000 samplefreq=10 file=primates.nex1; mcmc file=primates.nex2; mcmc file=primates.nex3; end;
If your run was interrupted, you can resume from the last checkpoint bysetting append=yes with mcmc.
Then create a batch input file (e.g., which differs for CPU and GPU operation.
#!/bin/bash set -e module load mrbayes mpirun -np $SLURM_NTASKS mb primates-gtr-gamma.nex
Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.
sbatch --no-requeue --ntasks=# --ntasks-per-core=1 --constraint x2695 --partition=multinode [--mem-per-cpu=#]
See Parallel Jobs in the user guide for more information.
#!/bin/bash set -e module load mrbayes mpirun -np 1 mb primates-gtr-gamma.nex
Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.
sbatch --no-requeue --partition=gpu --gres=gpu:gputype:1
See GPU allocation in the user guide for more information.