PeakRanger is a multi-purporse software suite for analyzing next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. The suite contains the following tools:
Tool | Description |
nr | noise rate estimator. Estimates signal to noise ratio which is an indicator for ChIP enrichment |
lc | library complexity calculator. Calculates the ratio of unique reads over total reads. Only accepts bam files. |
wig | coverage file generator. Generates variable step format wiggle file |
wigpe | coverage file generator. Generates bedGraph format wiggle file and supports spliced alignments and thus only supports bam files |
ranger | ChIP-Seq peak caller. It is able to identify enriched genomic regions while at the same time discover summits within these regions. |
ccat | ChIP-Seq peak caller. Tuned for the discovery of broad peaks |
bcp | ChIP-Seq peak caller. Tuned for the discovery of broad peaks. |
- X. Feng, R. Grossman and L. Stein. PeakRanger: A cloud-enabled peak caller for ChIP-seq data BMC Bioinformatics 2011, 12:139. PubMed | PMC | Journal
- Home page on Sourceforge
- Module Name: peakranger (see the modules page for more information)
- peakranger is a multithreaded application
- Example files in
Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:
[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=8g salloc.exe: Pending job allocation 46116226 salloc.exe: job 46116226 queued and waiting for resources salloc.exe: job 46116226 has been allocated resources salloc.exe: Granted job allocation 46116226 salloc.exe: Waiting for resource configuration salloc.exe: Nodes cn3144 are ready for job [user@cn3144 ~]$ module load peakranger [user@cn3144 ~]$ cp -L $PEAKRANGER_TEST_DATA/* . [user@cn3144 ~]$ ls -lh -rw-rw-r-- 1 user group 869M Mar 6 14:45 ENCFF374UMR.bam <-- CTCF (GrCh38) -rw-rw-r-- 1 user group 793M Mar 6 14:46 ENCFF700UBO.bam <-- Control [user@cn3144 ~]$ peakranger nr --data ENCFF374UMR.bam --control ENCFF700UBO.bam --format bam ... Estimated noise rate:0.899125 [user@cn3144 ~]$ peakranger wig --format bam --data ENCFF374UMR.bam --output ENCFF374UMR.wig [user@cn3144 ~]$ # ranger is for narrow peaks [user@cn3144 ~]$ peakranger ranger --data ENCFF374UMR.bam --control ENCFF700UBO.bam --format bam \ --thread 2 --output ENCFF374UMR Warning: chrEBV only contains reads in the positive strand. The chromosome is removed. Warning: chrUn_KI270379v1 only contains reads in the negative strand. The chromosome is removed. Warning: No reads were found in chrEBV of the treatment dataset. The chromosome is removed. Warning: No reads were found in chrUn_KI270379v1 of the treatment dataset. The chromosome is removed. [user@cn3144 ~]$ wc -l ENCFF374UMR_region.bed 41305 ENCFF374UMR_region.bed [user@cn3144 ~]$ exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226 [user@biowulf ~]$
Here is an example of the resulting wig file after conversion to BigWig along with the peak and summit calls (chr1:155,233,328-155,257,703)

Note that the --report
option will generate a separate plot for
each peak if R is on the path. All the plots will be in a single directory
along with a single html file linking all the images. This is
not recommended for a ChIP-Seq analysis such as this with
>40k peaks since it (a) will take 9h to finish compared to minutes when run
without generating reports and (b) will create a difficult to handle directory
with >40k files.
Create a batch input file (e.g. for processing each experiment/control pair. For example:
#!/bin/bash expt="${1:-none}" ctrl="${2:-none}" [[ "${expt}" == "none" || "${ctrl}" == "none" ]] && exit 1 module load peakranger/1.18 || exit 1 module load ucsc samtools || exit 1 peakranger nr --data "${expt}" --control "${ctrl}" --format bam > "${expt%bam}.noiserate" peakranger wig --format bam --data "${expt}" --output "${expt%bam}wig" samtools view -H ENCFF374UMR.bam | grep '^@SQ' | tr ':' '\t' | cut -f3,5 > chroms wigToBigWig -clip "${expt%bam}wig" chroms "${expt%bam}bw" peakranger ranger --data "${expt}" --control "${ctrl}" --format bam \ --thread $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK --output ${expt%.bam}
Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.
sbatch --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=8g ENCFF374UMR.bam ENCFF700UBO.bam
Create a swarmfile (e.g. peakranger.swarm). For example:
peakranger nr --data expt1.bam --control control.bam --format bam > expt1.noiserate peakranger nr --data expt2.bam --control control.bam --format bam > expt2.noiserate peakranger nr --data expt3.bam --control control.bam --format bam > expt3.noiserate
Submit this job using the swarm command.
swarm -f peakranger.swarm [-g #] [-t #] --module peakrangerwhere
-g # | Number of Gigabytes of memory required for each process (1 line in the swarm command file) |
-t # | Number of threads/CPUs required for each process (1 line in the swarm command file). |
--module peakranger | Loads the peakranger module for each subjob in the swarm |