Biowulf High Performance Computing at the NIH
ROBOT: a tool for working with Open Biomedical Ontologies.

ROBOT is a command-line tool and library for automating ontology development tasks, with a focus on Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies (OBO). It can be used as a command-line tool or as a library for any language on the Java Virtual Machine.


Important Notes

Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.

Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:

[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=4g
[user@cn0911 ~]$module load robot   
[+] Loading singularity  3.10.5  on cn0833
[+] Loading robot  1.9.4
[user@cn0911 ~]$robot
usage: robot [command] [options] 
    --add-prefix       add prefix 'foo: http://bar' to the output
    --add-prefixes     add JSON-LD prefixes to the output
    --catalog          use catalog from provided file
 -h,--help                  print usage information
    --noprefixes            do not use default prefixes
 -p,--prefix           add a prefix 'foo: http://bar'
 -P,--prefixes         use prefixes from JSON-LD file
    --strict                use strict parsing when loading an ontology
 -V,--version               print version information
 -v,--verbose               increased logging
 -vv,--very-verbose         high logging
 -vvv,--very-very-verbose   maximum logging, including stack traces
 -x,--xml-entities          use entity substitution with ontology XML
 help             print help for command
 annotate         annotate ontology
 collapse         minimize an ontology based on a threshold
 convert          convert ontology
 diff             find the differences between two ontologies
 expand           expand ontology
 explain          explain derivation of an inferred axiom
 export           export ontology as a table
 export-prefixes  export prefixes to a file
 extract          extract terms from an ontology
 filter           filter ontology axioms
 materialize      materialize ontology
 measure          compute the metrics of an ontology
 merge            merge ontologies
 mirror           mirror ontology imports closure
 python           start a server to run ROBOT with Py4J
 query            query an ontology
 reason           reason ontology
 reduce           reduce ontology
 relax            relax ontology
 remove           remove axioms from an ontology
 rename           rename entities based on given mappings
 repair           repair terms from an ontology
 report           report terms from an ontology
 template         build an ontology from a template
 unmerge          unmerge ontologies
 validate-profile validate ontology against an OWL profile
 verify           verify an ontology does not violate rules (as queries)
[user@cn0911 ~]$robot -h
usage: robot [command] [options] 
    --add-prefix       add prefix 'foo: http://bar' to the output
    --add-prefixes     add JSON-LD prefixes to the output
    --catalog          use catalog from provided file
 -h,--help                  print usage information
    --noprefixes            do not use default prefixes
 -p,--prefix           add a prefix 'foo: http://bar'
 -P,--prefixes         use prefixes from JSON-LD file
    --strict                use strict parsing when loading an ontology
 -V,--version               print version information
 -v,--verbose               increased logging
 -vv,--very-verbose         high logging
 -vvv,--very-very-verbose   maximum logging, including stack traces
 -x,--xml-entities          use entity substitution with ontology XML
End the interactive session:
[user@cn0911 ~]$ exit
salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226
[user@biowulf ~]$