Biowulf High Performance Computing at the NIH
Scalpel on HPC

Scalpel is a software package for detecting INDELs (INsertions and DELetions) mutations in a reference genome which has been sequenced with next-generation sequencing technology (e.g., Illumina). Scalpel is designed to perform localized micro-assembly of specific regions of interest with the goal of detecting mutations with high accuracy and increased power. It is based on the de Bruijn graph assembly paradigm and implements an on-the-fly repeat composition analysis coupled with a self-tuning k-mer strategy to increase specificity in regions characterized by complex repeat structures. It supports three different modes of operation:

For all the modes of operation, scalpel requires that the raw reads have been previously aligned with BWA using default parameters. See BWA description for more info.


Important Notes

Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.

Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:

[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive
salloc.exe: Pending job allocation 46116226
salloc.exe: job 46116226 queued and waiting for resources
salloc.exe: job 46116226 has been allocated resources
salloc.exe: Granted job allocation 46116226
salloc.exe: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc.exe: Nodes cn3144 are ready for job

[user@cn3144 ~]$ module load scalpel
[user@cn3144 ~]$ scalpel-discovery --single --bam file.bam --bed regions.bed --ref genome.fa

[user@cn3144 ~]$ exit
salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226
[user@biowulf ~]$

Batch job
Most jobs should be run as batch jobs.

Create a batch input file (e.g. For example:

set -e
module load scalpel
scalpel-discovery --single --bam file.bam --bed regions.bed --ref genome.fa

Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.

sbatch [--mem=#]
Swarm of Jobs
A swarm of jobs is an easy way to submit a set of independent commands requiring identical resources.

Create a swarmfile (e.g. job.swarm). For example:

cd dir1; scalpel-discovery --single --bam file.bam --bed regions.bed --ref genome.fa
cd dir2; scalpel-discovery --single --bam file.bam --bed regions.bed --ref genome.fa
cd dir3; scalpel-discovery --single --bam file.bam --bed regions.bed --ref genome.fa

Submit this job using the swarm command.

swarm -f job.swarm [-g #] --module scalpel
-g # Number of Gigabytes of memory required for each process (1 line in the swarm command file)
--module Loads the module for each subjob in the swarm