UKBB on Helix
UKBB are the utilities to download data from the UK Biobank project.
Web site
Important Notes
- Module Name: ukbb (see the modules page for more information)
- UKBB utitlies are available only on Helix.
Basic usage
Sample session (user input in bold):
[user@helix ~]$ module load ukbb [user@helix ~]$ ukbfetch ukbfetch on unx - ver Mar 14 2018 14:21:29 - using Glibc2.12(stable) Run start : 2018-10-12T14:05:06 Must specify encoded_id for participant (-e flag) Usage: ukbfetch parameters... -a authentication file (application_id + 24-char key) -b batch file containing list of participants and datafiles -d datafile name -e encoded id for participant -h show this usage message then exit -i show program version information only then exit -m maximum datafiles to fetch (batch mode only, capped at 500) -o name of output file recording successful fetches -s starting line (batch mode only) -v verbose mode on Compiled : Mar 14 2018 14:21:29 [user@helix ~]$