uLTRA: a tool for splice alignment of long transcriptomic reads to a genome

uLTRA implements an alignment method for long RNA sequencing reads based on a novel two-pass collinear chaining algorithm. uLTRA is guided by a database of exon annotations, but it can also be used as a wrapper around minimap2 to align reads outside annotated regions.


Important Notes

Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.

Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:

[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=4g
[user@cn0911 ~]$module load ultra   
[+] Loading singularity  3.10.5  on cn0911
[+] Loading Loading ultra  0.1
[user@cn0911 ~]$cp $ULTRA_DATA/* . 
[user@cn0911 ~]$uLTRA pipeline SIRV_genes.fasta SIRV_genes_C_170612a.gtf reads.fa outfolder
creating outfolder
total_flanks2: 90
total_flank_size 72816
total_unique_segment_counter 24396
total_segments_bad 25056
bad 460
total parts size: 24856
total exons size: 74187
min_intron: 20
Number of ref seqs in gff: 71
Number of ref seqs in fasta: 7
Filtering reads aligned to unindexed regions with minimap2
Running minimap2...
minimap2 done.
Done filtering. Reads filtered:0
Time for minimap2:0.10440826416015625 seconds.
Processing reads for NAM finding
Completed processing poly-A tails
Time for processing reads:0.006848812103271484 seconds.
namfinder -k 10 -s 10 -l 10 -u 11 -C 500 -L 1000 -t 3 -S outfolder/refs_sequences.fa outfolder/reads_tmp.fa.gz 2> outfolder/namfinder_stderr.1 | gzip -1 --stdout > outfolder/seeds.txt.gz
Time for namfinder to find seeds:0.48410677909851074 seconds.
Starting aligning reads.
Wrote 0 batches of reads.
file_IO: Reading records done. Tot read: 4
file_IO: Written records in producer process: 0
Process: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Number of instances solved with quadratic collinear chainer solution: 0
Number of instances solved with n*log n collinear chainer solution: 0
Process: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Number of instances solved with quadratic collinear chainer solution: 0
Number of instances solved with n*log n collinear chainer solution: 0
Process: [3.8929521968943623, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Number of instances solved with quadratic collinear chainer solution: 4
Number of instances solved with n*log n collinear chainer solution: 0
Wrote 1 batches of reads.
file_IO: Remainig written records after consumer join: 4
Done joining processes.
Time to align reads:0.07692599296569824 seconds.
Total mm2's primary alignments replaced with uLTRA: 2
Total mm2's alignments unmapped but mapped with uLTRA: 0
2 primary alignments had better score with uLTRA.
0 primary alignments had equal score with alternative aligner.
2 primary alignments had slightly better score with alternative aligner (typically ends bonus giving better scoring in ends, which needs to be implemented in uLTRA).
0 primary alignments had significantly better score with alternative aligner.
0 reads were unmapped with ultra but not by alternative aligner.
0 reads were not attempted to be aligned with ultra (unindexed regions), instead alternative aligner was used.
Time for selecting final best alignments (selecting the best of mm2's vs uLTRA's alignments):0.009923696517944336 seconds.
FSM : 4, NO_SPLICE : 0, Insufficient_junction_coverage_unclassified : 0, ISM/NIC_known : 0, NIC_novel : 0, NNC : 0
total alignment coverage: 3.8929521968943623
Deleting temporary files...
removed: outfolder/minimap2.sam
removed: outfolder/minimap2_errors.1
removed: outfolder/uLTRA_batch_0.stderr
removed: outfolder/uLTRA_batch_1.stderr
removed: outfolder/uLTRA_batch_2.stderr
removed: outfolder/reads_after_genomic_filtering.fasta
removed: outfolder/indexed.sam
removed: outfolder/unindexed.sam
removed: outfolder/refs_sequences.fa
[user@cn0911 ~]$exit
End the interactive session:
[user@cn0911 ~]$ exit
salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226
[user@biowulf ~]$