Biowulf 25th anniversary seminar series

The High Performance Computing group is celebrating 25 years of providing scientific supercomputing services to NIH intramural researchers. Starting in 1999 with 40 "boxes and shelves" and 14 users, Biowulf has grown to 4000+ compute nodes and 2400+ active users. To mark Biowulf's 25th anniversary we have a lineup of scientific talks from some of the great labs using Biowulf for their research. Dates and locations of our seminar series are shown below, with more details to be announced.

Picture Juliana Martinez Fiesco, PhD
Center for Structural Biology
Center for Cancer Research
National Cancer Institute
Structural insights into the BRAF monomer-to-dimer transition mediated by RAS binding
April 18 2024, 11am - noon
Building 35A Room 610
Ruth Nussinov, PhD
Cancer Innovation Laboratory
National Cancer Institute
Talk title TBA
September 12 2024, 11am - noon
Building 40 Room 1201 / 1203
Videocast TBA
Sameer Antani, PhD
Computational Health Research Branch
National Library of Medicine
Talk title TBA
October 17 2024, 11am - noon
Building 45 (Natcher) Room A/B
Maria Teresa Landi, MD, PhD
Integrative Tumor Epidemiology Branch
National Cancer Institute
Talk title TBA
November 14 2024, 11am - noon
Building 10 Room 7 - B1C206 FAES
Videocast TBA