Biowulf High Performance Computing at the NIH
Biowulf 2017-2018 Seminar Series

Magnetoencephalography in Major Depressive Disorder: Leveraging high performance computing resources
Allison Nugent, NIMH. 17 July 2018. [Videocast]

Bioinformatics Methods for Immunogen Conformational Stabilization and Antibody Resistance Prediction
Gwo-Yu Chuang, NIAID/VRC. 12 June 2018. [Videocast]

Cryo-EM studies of glutamate receptors and nucleosomes
Sagar Chittori, NCI. 9 May 2018. [Videocast]

Structure, dynamics and function of intrinsically disordered proteins from experiment and molecular simulation.
Robert Best, NIDDK. 24 Apr 2018. [Videocast]

Precise genome-wide mapping of single nucleosomes and linkers in vivo
Razvan Chereji, NICHD. 20 Mar 2018. [Videocast]

How to Build a Dog in 2,392,715,236 steps
Heidi Parker, NHGRI. 21 Feb 2018 [Videocast]

Relion Tips & Tricks; Parallel Jobs & Benchmarking
David Hoover and Jerez Te, NIH HPC staff. 16 Jan 2018.
(Relion PDF) (Parallel PDF)

Python in HPC
Wolfgang Resch, NIH HPC Staff. 30 Nov 2018.
(Slides and GitHub repo)

Effective use of the Biowulf batch system and storage systems
Steve Fellini, Tim Miller, Mark Patkus (NIH HPC staff). 30 Oct 2018.
(Batch System (PDF) and Storage System (PDF)

CMM CryoEM RELION Workshop
David Hoover (NIH HPC staff). 08 May 2018.