Biowulf High Performance Computing at the NIH
MPSAN-MP: Mesasage Passing and Self Attention-based Networks for Molecular Property prediction

The MPSAN_MP application employs neural networks implementing the Message Passing or Self-Attention mechanism for Molecular Property prediction. It takes as input a set of molecules represented by either graphs or SMILES strings. For each molecule, it predicts a propery value (PV), which may be either a discrete/binary label (classification task) or a continuous value (regression task). of molecular property prediction:
This application is been be used as a biological example by the class #7 of the course "Deep Learning by Example on Biowulf".


Important Notes

Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.

Allocate an interactive session and run the program. Sample session:

[user@biowulf]$ sinteractive --mem=64g --gres=gpu:a100:1,lscratch:100 -c24
[user@cn2893 ~]$module load mpsan_mp 
[+] Loading singularity  4.0.1  on cn2893
[+] Loading mpsan_mp  20240817
(a lower-case name, mpsan_mp, will also work).

The key challenge in predicting the property values (PVs) for drug molecules, such as their biological activity or solubility, is a limited amount of training data with ground truth labels/PVs, since measuring the PVs is laborious and expensive procedure. As a consequence, supervised training of the full-scale models on available data may result in over-fitting the data, which prevents the model from generalization, i.e. making accurate predictions on data that were not a part of the training dataset. The MPSAN_MP application explores two practical approaches to addressing the challenge of over-fitting:
(1) increasing the effective size of a training dataset through augmentation / enumeration of the input SMILES strings; and
(2) decreasing the effective number of adjustable parameters in the model by exploiting the concept of transfer learning.

The data used by this application is an extended set of data used by the ReLeaSE application discussed in the Deep Learning class #5:
    - jak2 dataset comprising ~2K of SMILES strings together with continuous property value, the Janus protein kinase 2 inhibition coefficient (JAK2);
    - logp dataset comprising ~14K of SMILES strings representing biologically active molecules together with their corresponding (continuous) property values - in this case, the n-octanol-water partition coefficient, logP, which is a measure of lipophilicity of a molecule;
    - bbbp dataset comprising ~2K of SMILES strings togeter with (discrete) binary labels indicating whether or not a molecule can penetrate the blood/brain barrier (BBB) membrane;
    - blogp dataset of size ~14K, a "binarized" version of the logp dataset, comprising the same SMILES strings and the binary labels = 1 if the logp property value is above the threshold=1.88 or = 0 otherwise;
    - chembl dataset comprising > 2.4M of SMILES strings from ChEMBL-33 database, representing molecules with drug-like properties from the ChEMBL database; and
    - zinc dataset - a random subset of size 25M out of the total several hundred million SMILES strings from ZINC database.

After adopting/reimplementation in Keras, the code involves four executables:
    - with appropriate command line arguments, can operate in three modes: reformat, augment and binarize;
    - in the reformat mode will convert any of the datasets listed above, except blogp, from its original format available on the Web to the standard format accepted by the MPSAN_MP application;
    - in the augment mode, will enumerate the SMILES string of each entry in the reformatted dataset, keeping its property value the same, thus increasing the size of a dataset by approx. the number of folds specified by the augmentation_coefficient (default = 10); and
    - in the binarize mode, will transform the reformatted logp dataset to the blogp dataset.
    - depending on the model and data used, can operate three modes: training, pretraining and finetuning
    - in the training mode, employs either mpn or san model and takes as input the data of type jak2, jak2a, logp, logpa, bbbp, bbbpa, blogp or bvlogpa, stored in CSV format, i.e. *.csv, and comprising SMILES strings together with corresponding property values; outputs a checkpoint file in the HDF5 format, i.e. *.h5
    - in the pretraining mode, employs san_bert model and take as input either chembl or zinc data stored in the CSV file, i.e. *.csv, and comprising the SMILES strings (without property values); outputs checkpoint files in the HDF5 format, i.e. *.h5;
    - in the finetuning mode, employs san_bert model and takes as input (1) one of the checkpoint files in HDF5 format produced at the pretraining step, and (2) data in the CSV format comprising SMILES strings together with corresponding property values; outputs a checkpoint file in the HDF5 format, i.e. *.h5
    - takes as input (1) the checkpoint file(s) in HDF format produced in either training or pretraining and finetuning steps and (2) testing data in the CSV format comprising SMILES strings together with corresponding property values; outputs a results file in the TSV format
- visualize.R
    - takes as input results files in the TSV format
    - outputs an image file in PNG format, i.e. *.png

To display a usage message of a python executable, type its name followed by the option "-h". For example:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ -h 
usage: [-h] [-a] [-A augm_coeff] [-b] -d data_name -i input_file -o output_file [-r]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --augment         augment the data by enumerating SMILES
  -A augm_coeff, --augm_coeff augm_coeff
                        augmentation_coefficient; fault = 10
  -b, --binarize        binarize the logp data
  -r, --reformat        reformat the data to make them acceptable by MPTN_MP software

required arguments:
  -d data_name, --data_name data_name
                        Data type: jak2 | logp | bbbp | chembl | zinc
  -i input_file, --input_file input_file
                        input file; fault = None
  -o output_file, --output_file output_file
                        output file
The executable expects that the input file has been downladed and/or is available in the csv format.
Examples of usage:
- to reformat the chembl dataset:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ wget 
[user@cn2893 ~]$ gunzip chembl_33_chemreps.txt.gz
[user@cn2893 ~]$ -r -d chembl -i chembl_33_chemreps.txt -o chembl_natoms,ntokens.csv 
- to augment jak2 data:
[user@cn2893 ~]$cp $MPSAN_MP_DATA/jak2_natoms,ntokens.csv .
[user@cn2893 ~]$ -a -d jak2 -i jak2_natoms,ntokens.csv -o jak2a_natoms,ntokens.csv
- to binarize the logp data:
[user@cn2893 ~]$cp $MPSAN_MP_DAT/logp_natoms,ntokens.csv .
[user@cn2893 ~]$ -b -d logp -i logp_natoms,ntokens.csv -o blogp_natoms,ntokens.csv
Before using other executables, create a local folder "data" and copy one or more original data files into that folder:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ mkdir -p data 
[user@cn2893 ~]$ cp $MPSAN_MP_DATA/* data
The mode of usage of the executable depends on the (required) data and model names passed to it through command line options:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ -h
Using TensorFlow backend
usage: [-h] [-A num_heads] [-B num_ln_layers] [-D dropout_rate] [--data_path data_path]
                [--debug DEBUG] [--embed_dim EMBED_DIM] [--frac_valid FRAC_VALID] [--frac_test FRAC_TEST]
                [-l learning_rate] [-i input_checkpoint_file] [-I encoder_checkpoint_file] [--LF L]
                [-E num_encoder_layers] [--num_ft_layers num_ft_layers] [--num_t_layers num_t_layers] -m
                model_name [-M M] [--max_length MAX_LENGTH] [--mp_iterations mp_iterations] [--NF N]
                [-e num_epochs] [-O optimizer] [-p pdata_nane] [-P POSITION_EMBEDDING] [-T] [-t TOKENIZER]
                [--trainable_encoder] [-U num_dense_units] [-v] [-w] [-b batch_size]
                [--best_accuracy best_accuracy] [--best_loss best_loss] -d DATA_NAME [-n NUM_DATA]
                [--es_patience patience] [-S smiles]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -A num_heads, --num_heads num_heads
                        number of attention heads; default=4
  -B num_ln_layers, --num_ln_layers num_ln_layers
                        number of LayerNormalization layers; max = 2; default=2
  -D dropout_rate, --dropout_rate dropout_rate
                        dropout_rate; default = 0.1
  --data_path data_path
                        path to data file (overrides the option -d
  --debug DEBUG         use a small subset of data for training
  --embed_dim EMBED_DIM
                        the dimension of the embedding space; default: 1024
  --frac_valid FRAC_VALID
                        fraction of data to be used for validation; default=0.05
  --frac_test FRAC_TEST
                        fraction of data to be used for testing; default=0.15
  -l learning_rate, --lr learning_rate
                        learning rate; default=1.e-4
  -i input_checkpoint_file, --input_checkpoint_file input_checkpoint_file
                        input checkpoint file; fault = None
  -I encoder_checkpoint_file, --input_encoder checkpoint_file encoder_checkpoint_file
                        input encoder checkpoint file; fault = None
  --LF L                num of link/edge features in synthetic data; default=2
  -E num_encoder_layers, --num_enc_layers num_encoder_layers
                        number of layers in BERT Encoder; default=6
  --num_ft_layers num_ft_layers
                        number of dense layers in finetuner: 1, 2 or 3; default=1
  --num_t_layers num_t_layers
                        number of transformer layers in the san model; default=1
  -M M                  num of nodes/atoms in synthetic data; default=5
  --max_length MAX_LENGTH
                        max # tokens of input SMILES to be used for training; default=64
  --mp_iterations mp_iterations
                        # of MP iterations; default=4
  --NF N                num of node/atom features in synthetic data; default=3
  -e num_epochs, --num_epochs num_epochs
                        # of epochs; default=40 if data_name=="chembl", =3000 otherwise
  -O optimizer, --optimizer optimizer
                        optimizer: adam | rmsprop
  -p pdata_nane, --pretraining_data_name pdata_nane
                        name of the data trhat were used at pretraining step
  -T, --transpose       transpose/permute data tensor after embedding
  -t TOKENIZER, --tokenizer TOKENIZER
                        tokenizer used by san-based model: smiles_pe or atom_symbols; default=smiles_pe
  --trainable_encoder   Encoder is trainable even if not data=chembl; default=False
  -U num_dense_units, --num_dense_units num_dense_units
                        number of dense units; default=1024
  -v, --verbose         increase the verbosity level of output
  -w, --load_weights    read weights from a checkpoint file
  -b batch_size, --bs batch_size
                        batch size; default=256
  --best_accuracy best_accuracy
                        initial value of best_accuracy; default = 0
  --best_loss best_loss
                        initial value of best_loss; default = 10000
  -n NUM_DATA, --num_data NUM_DATA
                        number of input SMILES strings to be used; default=all
  --es_patience patience
                        patience for early stopping of training; default=0 (no early stopping)
  -S smiles, --smiles smiles
                        (Comma-separated list of) smiles to be used as input for debugging

required arguments:
  -m model_name, --model_name model_name
                        model name: mpn | san | san_bert; default = mpn

required arguments:
  -d DATA_NAME, --data_name DATA_NAME
                        Data type: jak2(a) | (b)logp(a) | bbbp(a) | chembl | zinc

Examples of usage of the executable:
- to train the mpn model on jak2 data under default values of all hyperparameters
[user@cn2893 ~]$ -m mpn -d jak2                     # training mode
- a similar command to train san model on augmented logp data:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ -m san -d logpa                    # training mode
- to pretrain san_bert model on chembl data:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ -m san_bert -d chembl               # pretraining mode
- to finetune the san_bert on bbbp data, using the source model pretrained on zinc data:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ -d bbbp -m san_bert -p zinc  \              # finetuning mode
                            -i checkpoints/san_bert.zinc.bbbpa.weights.h5 \
                            -I checkpoints/bert_encoder.zinc.san_bert.weights.h5 
Correct=  243 / 268  %error= 9.328358208955223
- a similar command, but using chembl as the source dataset:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ -d bbbp -m san_bert  -p chembl \            # finetuning mode
                            -i checkpoints/san_bert.chembl.bbbpa.weights.h5 \
                            -I checkpoints/bert_encoder.chembl.san_bert.weights.h5 
Correct=  251 / 268  %error= 6.343283582089554
The command line options for the executable are similar to, and should be consistent with, the options that were passed to the training command:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ -h
Using TensorFlow backend
usage: [-h] [-A num_heads] [-B num_ln_layers] [-D dropout_rate] [--data_path data_path]
                  [--debug DEBUG] [--embed_dim EMBED_DIM] [--frac_valid FRAC_VALID] [--frac_test FRAC_TEST]
                  [-l learning_rate] [-i input_checkpoint_file] [-I encoder_checkpoint_file] [--LF L]
                  [-E num_encoder_layers] [--num_ft_layers num_ft_layers] [--num_t_layers num_t_layers] -m
                  model_name [-M M] [--max_length MAX_LENGTH] [--mp_iterations mp_iterations] [--NF N]
                  [-e num_epochs] [-O optimizer] [-p pdata_nane] [-P POSITION_EMBEDDING] [-T] [-t TOKENIZER]
                  [--trainable_encoder] [-U num_dense_units] [-v] [-w] [-b batch_size] -d DATA_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -A num_heads, --num_heads num_heads
                        number of attention heads; default=4
  -B num_ln_layers, --num_ln_layers num_ln_layers
                        number of LayerNormalization layers; max = 2; default=2
  -D dropout_rate, --dropout_rate dropout_rate
                        dropout_rate; default = 0.1
  --data_path data_path
                        path to data file (overrides the option -d
  --debug DEBUG         use a small subset of data for training
  --embed_dim EMBED_DIM
                        the dimension of the embedding space; default: 1024
  --frac_valid FRAC_VALID
                        fraction of data to be used for validation; default=0.05
  --frac_test FRAC_TEST
                        fraction of data to be used for testing; default=0.15
  -l learning_rate, --lr learning_rate
                        learning rate; default=1.e-4
  -i input_checkpoint_file, --input_checkpoint_file input_checkpoint_file
                        input checkpoint file; fault = None
  -I encoder_checkpoint_file, --input_encoder checkpoint_file encoder_checkpoint_file
                        input encoder checkpoint file; fault = None
  --LF L                num of link/edge features in synthetic data; default=2
  -E num_encoder_layers, --num_enc_layers num_encoder_layers
                        number of layers in BERT Encoder; default=6
  --num_ft_layers num_ft_layers
                        number of dense layers in finetuner: 1, 2 or 3; default=1
  --num_t_layers num_t_layers
                        number of transformer layers in the san model; default=1
  -M M                  num of nodes/atoms in synthetic data; default=5
  --max_length MAX_LENGTH
                        max # tokens of input SMILES to be used for training; default=64
  --mp_iterations mp_iterations
                        # of MP iterations; default=4
  --NF N                num of node/atom features in synthetic data; default=3
  -e num_epochs, --num_epochs num_epochs
                        # of epochs; default=40 if data_name=="chembl", =3000 otherwise
  -O optimizer, --optimizer optimizer
                        optimizer: adam | rmsprop
  -p pdata_nane, --pretraining_data_name pdata_nane
                        name of the data trhat were used at pretraining step
  -T, --transpose       transpose/permute data tensor after embedding
  -t TOKENIZER, --tokenizer TOKENIZER
                        tokenizer used by san-based model: smiles_pe or atom_symbols; default=smiles_pe
  --trainable_encoder   Encoder is trainable even if not data=chembl; default=False
  -U num_dense_units, --num_dense_units num_dense_units
                        number of dense units; default=1024
  -v, --verbose         increase the verbosity level of output
  -w, --load_weights    read weights from a checkpoint file
  -b batch_size, --bs batch_size
                        batch size; default=256

required arguments:
  -m model_name, --model_name model_name
                        model name: mpn | san | san_bert; default = mpn

required arguments:
  -d DATA_NAME, --data_name DATA_NAME
                        Data type: jak2(a) | (b)logp(a) | bbbp(a) | chembl | zinc
For example,
- the command to perform predictions from the trained model mpn on testing data jak2 using the weights stored in the checkoint file checkpoints/mpn.jak2.weights.h5:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ -m mpn -d jak2 -i checkpoints/mpn.jak2.weights.h5 
the results will be output to the file results/mpn.jak2.results.tsv:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ cat results/mpn.jak2.results.tsv 
# pred_jak2        corr_jak2
5.705802          7.080000
7.524415          6.460000
8.072280          7.050000
7.216453          8.220000
8.825060          9.260000
6.521371          7.600000
6.853940          6.820000
8.652765          8.050000
6.496820          7.460000
7.646416          7.600000
7.397765          7.820000
7.131140          7.270000
6.656110          8.150000
7.219415          7.600000
Finally, in order to visualize the summary provided in the results file, run the executable visualize.R. To display the usage message of this executable, type its name:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ module load R
[user@cn2893 ~]$ visualize.R

Usage: visualize.R <results_file> [ <other_results_file(s)> ]
Examples of usage of this executable:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ visualize.R results/san.jak2.results.tsv results/mpn.jak2.results.tsv 
[user@cn2893 ~]$ visualize.R results/san.jak2a.results.tsv results/mpn.jak2a.results.tsv 

Since the SMILES enumeration / data augmentation does not modify an adjacency matrix representing a molecular graph, for the MPN model it will only result in increasing the effective size of a training dataset, thus preventing the model from overfitting and improving accuracy of PV predictions. On the other hand, the SAN model, which handles SMILES as a sequence and attempts to compute the attention scores between different positions in the input, may be confused by reshuffling the tokens/atoms positions resulting from the SMILES enumeration. This prevents the SAN model from taking advantage of the increased data size.

Results for logp (original) and logpa (augmented) data can be visualized by running similar commands:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ visualize.R results/san.logp.results.tsv results/mpn.logp.results.tsv 
[user@cn2893 ~]$ visualize.R results/san.logpa.results.tsv results/mpn.logpa.results.tsv 
End the interactive session:
[user@cn2893 ~]$ exit
salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 46116226
[user@biowulf ~]$