philosopher on Biowulf
Philosopher is fast, easy-to-use, scalable, and versatile data analysis software for mass spectrometry-based proteomics. Philosopher is dependency-free and can analyze both traditional database searches and open searches for post-translational modification (PTM) discovery.
Important Notes
- Module Name: philosopher (see the modules page for more information)
- This application can be executed at the command line or invoked through the fragpipe GUI frontend.
- Raw files are processed via an extension that produces remote procedure calls (RPCs). The firewall on Biowulf compute nodes prevents this for working correctly. Files should therefore be converted to mzML format.
Interactive job
Interactive jobs should be used for debugging, graphics, or applications that cannot be run as batch jobs.
Allocate an interactive session and run the program. This example is adapted from the tutorial here.
Sample session (user input in bold):
user@biowulf ~]$ sinteractive -c4 --mem=8g --gres=lscratch:10 salloc.exe: Pending job allocation 5400024 salloc.exe: job 5400024 queued and waiting for resources salloc.exe: job 5400024 has been allocated resources salloc.exe: Granted job allocation 5400024 salloc.exe: Waiting for resource configuration salloc.exe: Nodes cn0854 are ready for job srun: error: x11: no local DISPLAY defined, skipping [user@cn0854 ~]$ mkdir -p /data/${USER}/philosopher_workdir [user@cn0854 ~]$ cd /data/${USER}/philosopher_workdir [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ module load fragpipe # <-- this will load msfragger, philosopher, and add a few more things to the PATH (like mono) [+] Loading fragpipe 14.0 on cn0854 [+] Loading msfragger 3.1.1 on cn0854 [+] Loading java 12.0.1 ... [+] Loading philosopher 3.3.12 on cn0854 [+] Loading mono 5.18.1 [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ cp $MSFRAGGER_HOME/TESTDATA/* . [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ philosopher workspace --temp /lscratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID --init INFO[16:42:43] Executing Workspace v3.3.12 INFO[16:42:43] Creating workspace INFO[16:42:43] Done [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ philosopher database --id UP000005640 --contam INFO[16:42:54] Executing Database v3.3.12 INFO[16:42:54] Fetching database UP000005640 INFO[16:43:09] Processing decoys INFO[16:43:12] Creating file INFO[16:43:24] Processing decoys INFO[16:43:27] Creating file INFO[16:43:28] Done [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ java -jar $MSFRAGGER_JAR --config Creating configuration files Writing file: /gpfs/gsfs11/users/user/philosopher_workdir/closed_fragger.params Writing file: /gpfs/gsfs11/users/user/philosopher_workdir/open_fragger.params Writing file: /gpfs/gsfs11/users/user/philosopher_workdir/nonspecific_fragger.params Writing file: /gpfs/gsfs11/users/user/philosopher_workdir/Nglyco-HCD_fragger.params [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ ls -la total 1846659 drwxr-xr-x 3 user user 4096 Jan 4 16:43 . drwxr-x--- 17 user user 4096 Jan 4 16:41 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 1821252699 Jan 4 16:42 20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.mzML -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 68982756 Jan 4 16:43 2021-01-04-decoys-contam-UP000005640.fas -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 8606 Jan 4 16:43 closed_fragger.params drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 Jan 4 16:43 .meta -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 12613 Jan 4 16:43 Nglyco-HCD_fragger.params -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 8601 Jan 4 16:43 nonspecific_fragger.params -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 8607 Jan 4 16:43 open_fragger.paramsAt this point you will have several configuration files in your current working directory that will determine the behavior of msfragger. Use the following sed commands to set values apporpriately. You will need to change the num_threads argument to match the number of cpus you requested with the sinterative command above. You will also need to change the database_name to the correct value.
[user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ sed -i 's/num_threads = 0/num_threads = 4/g' closed_fragger.params [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ sed -i 's/database_name = test.fasta/database_name = 2021-01-04-decoys-contam-UP000005640.fas/g' closed_fragger.params [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ sed -i 's/calibrate_mass = 2/calibrate_mass = 0/g' closed_fragger.paramsNow you can use the edited configuration file to run msfragger and finish running philosopher.
[user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ java -Xmx${SLURM_MEM_PER_NODE}m -jar $MSFRAGGER_JAR closed_fragger.params \ 20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.mzML MSFragger version MSFragger-3.1.1 Batmass-IO version 1.19.5 timsdata library version timsdata-2-7-0 (c) University of Michigan RawFileReader reading tool. Copyright (c) 2016 by Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. All rights reserved. System OS: Linux, Architecture: amd64 Java Info: 12.0.1, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Oracle Corporation JVM started with 8 GB memory Checking database... Parameter 'diagnostic_intensity_filter' was not supplied. Using default value: 0.000000 Parameter 'ion_series_definitions' was not supplied. Using default value: Parameter 'Y_type_masses' was not supplied. Using default value: Parameter 'diagnostic_fragments' was not supplied. Using default value: Checking /gpfs/gsfs11/users/user/philosopher_workdir/20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.mzML... ************************************MAIN SEARCH************************************ Checking database... [snip...] Operating on slice 2 of 2: Fragment index slice generated in 4.68 s 001. 20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.mzML 7.9 s | deisotoping 0.3 s [progress: 24044/24044 (100%) - 18481 spectra/s] 1.3s | postprocessing 10.5 s ***************************MAIN SEARCH DONE IN 1.144 MIN*************************** *******************************TOTAL TIME 1.357 MIN******************************** [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ philosopher peptideprophet --database 2021-01-04-decoys-contam-UP000005640.fas \ --ppm --accmass --expectscore --decoyprobs \ --nonparam 20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.pepXML INFO[16:53:41] Executing PeptideProphet v3.3.12 file 1: /data/user/philosopher_workdir/20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.pepXML WARNING: Unable to open file: /data/user/philosopher_workdir/20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.mzML cannot correct scan numbers! WARNING: Unable to open file: /data/user/philosopher_workdir/20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.mzML cannot correct scan numbers! processed altogether 21514 results INFO: Results written to file: /data/user/philosopher_workdir/interact-20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.pep.xml - /data/user/philosopher_workdir/interact-20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.pep.xml - Building Commentz-Walter keyword tree... - Searching the tree... - Linking duplicate entries... - Printing results... using Accurate Mass Bins using PPM mass difference Using Decoy Label "rev_". Decoy Probabilities will be reported. Using non-parametric distributions (X! Tandem) (using Tandem's expectation score for modeling) adding ACCMASS mixture distribution using search_offsets in ACCMASS mixture distr: 0 init with X! Tandem stricttrypsin MS Instrument info: Manufacturer: UNKNOWN, Model: UNKNOWN, Ionization: UNKNOWN, Analyzer: UNKNOWN, Detector: UNKNOWN INFO: Processing standard MixtureModel ... PeptideProphet (TPP v5.2.1-dev Flammagenitus, Build 201906251008-exported (Linux-x86_64)) AKeller@ISB read in 0 1+, 15055 2+, 5899 3+, 523 4+, 31 5+, 6 6+, and 0 7+ spectra. Initialising statistical models ... Found 2621 Decoys, and 18893 Non-Decoys Iterations: .........10.........20..... WARNING: Mixture model quality test failed for charge (1+). WARNING: Mixture model quality test failed for charge (6+). WARNING: Mixture model quality test failed for charge (7+). model complete after 26 iterations ERRO[16:54:42] unlinkat /lscratch/5400024: permission denied INFO[16:54:42] Done [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ philosopher proteinprophet \ interact-20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.pep.xml INFO[16:57:02] Executing ProteinProphet v3.3.12 ProteinProphet (C++) by Insilicos LLC and LabKey Software, after the original Perl by A. Keller (TPP v5.2.1-dev Flammagenitus, Build 201906251008-exported (Linux-x86_64)) (no FPKM) (using degen pep info) Reading in /data/user/philosopher_workdir/interact-20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.pep.xml... in 0 1+, 10738 2+, 4312 3+, 346 4+, 0 5+, 0 6+, 0 7+ spectra with min prob 0.05 Initializing 14657 peptide weights: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% Calculating protein lengths and molecular weights from database /data/user/philosopher_workdir/2021-01-04-decoys-contam-UP000005640.fas .........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........:.........1000 [snip...] Computing probabilities for 12033 proteins. Loop 1: 0%...20%...40%...60%...80%...100% Loop 2: 0%...20%...40%...60%...80%...100% Computing 6023 protein groups: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% Calculating sensitivity...and error tables... Computing MU for 12033 proteins: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% INFO: mu=6.75194e-06, db_size=104669561 Finished. ERRO[16:58:12] unlinkat /lscratch/5400024: permission denied INFO[16:58:12] Done [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ philosopher filter --razor --pepxml \ interact-20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.pep.xml \ --protxml interact.prot.xml INFO[17:12:42] Executing Filter v3.3.12 INFO[17:12:42] Processing peptide identification files INFO[17:12:44] 1+ Charge profile decoy=0 target=0 INFO[17:12:44] 2+ Charge profile decoy=143 target=10595 INFO[17:12:44] 3+ Charge profile decoy=42 target=4270 INFO[17:12:44] 4+ Charge profile decoy=3 target=343 INFO[17:12:44] 5+ Charge profile decoy=0 target=0 INFO[17:12:44] 6+ Charge profile decoy=0 target=0 INFO[17:12:44] Database search results ions=14649 peptides=13455 psms=15396 INFO[17:12:44] Converged to 1.00 % FDR with 15147 PSMs decoy=152 threshold=0.1032 total=15299 INFO[17:12:45] Converged to 1.00 % FDR with 13203 Peptides decoy=133 threshold=0.1675 total=13336 INFO[17:12:45] Converged to 1.00 % FDR with 14402 Ions decoy=145 threshold=0.1313 total=14547 INFO[17:12:48] Protein inference results decoy=270 target=5753 INFO[17:12:48] Converged to 1.02 % FDR with 1861 Proteins decoy=19 threshold=0.983 total=1880 INFO[17:12:49] 2D FDR estimation: Protein mirror image decoy=1861 target=1861 INFO[17:12:49] Second filtering results ions=14175 peptides=12983 psms=14916 INFO[17:12:49] Converged to 0.12 % FDR with 14898 PSMs decoy=18 threshold=0.0513 total=14916 INFO[17:12:49] Converged to 0.13 % FDR with 12965 Peptides decoy=18 threshold=0.053 total=12983 INFO[17:12:49] Converged to 0.12 % FDR with 14157 Ions decoy=18 threshold=0.0519 total=14175 INFO[17:12:51] Post processing identifications INFO[17:12:53] Mapping modifications INFO[17:12:58] Processing protein inference INFO[17:13:16] Assigning protein identifications to layers INFO[17:13:17] Updating razor PSM assignment to proteins INFO[17:13:18] Calculating spectral counts INFO[17:13:18] Saving ERRO[17:13:20] unlinkat /lscratch/5400024: permission denied INFO[17:13:20] Done [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ philosopher filter --razor --pepxml \ interact-20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.pep.xml \ --protxml interact.prot.xml INFO[17:12:42] Executing Filter v3.3.12 INFO[17:12:42] Processing peptide identification files INFO[17:12:44] 1+ Charge profile decoy=0 target=0 INFO[17:12:44] 2+ Charge profile decoy=143 target=10595 INFO[17:12:44] 3+ Charge profile decoy=42 target=4270 INFO[17:12:44] 4+ Charge profile decoy=3 target=343 INFO[17:12:44] 5+ Charge profile decoy=0 target=0 INFO[17:12:44] 6+ Charge profile decoy=0 target=0 INFO[17:12:44] Database search results ions=14649 peptides=13455 psms=15396 INFO[17:12:44] Converged to 1.00 % FDR with 15147 PSMs decoy=152 threshold=0.1032 total=15299 INFO[17:12:45] Converged to 1.00 % FDR with 13203 Peptides decoy=133 threshold=0.1675 total=13336 INFO[17:12:45] Converged to 1.00 % FDR with 14402 Ions decoy=145 threshold=0.1313 total=14547 INFO[17:12:48] Protein inference results decoy=270 target=5753 INFO[17:12:48] Converged to 1.02 % FDR with 1861 Proteins decoy=19 threshold=0.983 total=1880 INFO[17:12:49] 2D FDR estimation: Protein mirror image decoy=1861 target=1861 INFO[17:12:49] Second filtering results ions=14175 peptides=12983 psms=14916 INFO[17:12:49] Converged to 0.12 % FDR with 14898 PSMs decoy=18 threshold=0.0513 total=14916 INFO[17:12:49] Converged to 0.13 % FDR with 12965 Peptides decoy=18 threshold=0.053 total=12983 INFO[17:12:49] Converged to 0.12 % FDR with 14157 Ions decoy=18 threshold=0.0519 total=14175 INFO[17:12:51] Post processing identifications INFO[17:12:53] Mapping modifications INFO[17:12:58] Processing protein inference INFO[17:13:16] Assigning protein identifications to layers INFO[17:13:17] Updating razor PSM assignment to proteins INFO[17:13:18] Calculating spectral counts INFO[17:13:18] Saving ERRO[17:13:20] unlinkat /lscratch/5400024: permission denied INFO[17:13:20] Done [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ philosopher freequant --dir . INFO[17:14:35] Executing Label-free quantification v3.3.12 INFO[17:14:38] Indexing PSM information INFO[17:14:38] Reading spectra and tracing peaks INFO[17:14:38] Processing 20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7 INFO[17:16:40] Assigning intensities to data layers ERRO[17:16:42] unlinkat /lscratch/5400024: permission denied INFO[17:16:42] Done [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ philosopher workspace --backup INFO[17:20:06] Executing Workspace v3.3.12 INFO[17:20:06] Creating backup ERRO[17:20:06] Cannot locate meta directory. INFO[17:20:17] Done [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ ls ./-2021-01-04T17\:20\:06-05\ ./ [user@cn0854 philosopher_workdir]$ exit exit salloc.exe: Relinquishing job allocation 5400024 salloc.exe: Job allocation 5400024 has been revoked.
Batch job
Most jobs should be run as batch jobs.
Create a batch input file (e.g. For example:
#!/bin/bash set -e module load fragpipe cd /data/${USER}/workdir java -Xmx${SLURM_MEM_PER_NODE}m -jar $MSFRAGGER_JAR closed_fragger.params \ 20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.mzML philosopher peptideprophet --database 2021-01-04-decoys-contam-UP000005640.fas \ --ppm --accmass --expectscore --decoyprobs \ --nonparam 20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.pepXML philosopher proteinprophet \ interact-20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.pep.xml philosopher filter --razor --pepxml \ interact-20190202_QExHFX2_RSLC8_PST_HeLa_10ng_1ulLoop_muPAC_1hr_15k_7.pep.xml \ --protxml interact.prot.xml philosopher freequant --dir .
Submit this job using the Slurm sbatch command.
sbatch [--cpus-per-task=#] [--mem=#]
Swarm of Jobs
A swarm of jobs is an easy way to submit a set of independent commands requiring identical resources.
Create a swarmfile (e.g. philosopher.swarm). For example:
philosopher peptideprophet --database 2021-01-04-decoys-contam-UP000005640.fas \ --ppm --accmass --expectscore --decoyprobs \ --nonparam file1.pepXML philosopher peptideprophet --database 2021-01-04-decoys-contam-UP000005640.fas \ --ppm --accmass --expectscore --decoyprobs \ --nonparam file2.pepXML philosopher peptideprophet --database 2021-01-04-decoys-contam-UP000005640.fas \ --ppm --accmass --expectscore --decoyprobs \ --nonparam file3.pepXML
Submit this job using the swarm command.
swarm -f philosopher.swarm [-g #] [-t #] --module fragpipewhere
-g # | Number of Gigabytes of memory required for each process (1 line in the swarm command file) |
-t # | Number of threads/CPUs required for each process (1 line in the swarm command file). |
--module fragpipe | Loads the fragpipe module for each subjob in the swarm |