GROMACS ( is a versatile package to perform molecular dynamics, i.e. simulate the Newtonian equations of motion for systems with hundreds to millions of particles. It is primarily designed for biochemical molecules like proteins and lipids that have a lot of complicated bonded interactions, but since GROMACS is extremely fast at calculating the nonbonded interactions (that usually dominate simulations) many groups are also using it for research on non-biological systems, e.g. polymers.
- Module Name: gromacs (see the modules page for more information)
- MPI Parallelization. Please read the webpage Making efficient use of Biowulf's Multinode Partition before running large parallel jobs.
Gromacs can multi-thread as well as use MPI. For small jobs, e.g. 8 cpus on a single node, multi-threading works almost as well as MPI. For larger jobs, it is best to use MPI. (see the Benchmarks page) for details.
Considerations for Gromacs jobs on rhel8:
- For all available versions, performance is improved when assigning a homogenous set of nodes for parallel jobs
- Add the argument --constraint=x2695 to specify node type (applicable for all versions)
The following sub-tabs have examples for each version with their cooresponding dependency builds:
- Example files available in: /usr/local/apps/gromacs/tests/ADH_bench_systems.tar.gz
- 2021.3
- 2022.4+plumed2.8.2
- 2022.4
- 2023.2
- 2024
Gromacs version 2021.3 is built with both CPU and GPU compatibility
[user@biowulf]$ module load gromacs/2021.3 [+] Loading gcc 8.5.0 ... [+] Loading openmpi/4.1.4/CUDA-11.4 gcc-8.5.0 ... [+] Loading CUDA Toolkit 11.4.4 ... [+] Loading cmake 3.23.0 ... [+] Loading Gromacs 2021.3 ... [+] Built with gcc 8.5 CUDA 11.4, OpenMPI 4.1.4 [user@biowulf]$ mkdir /data/$USER/gromacs && cd /data/$USER/gromacs [user@biowulf]$ tar xvzf /usr/local/apps/gromacs/tests/ADH_bench_systems.tar.gz [user@biowulf]$ cd ADH/adh_cubic #create MD input file using gromacs preprocessor [user@biowulf adh_cubic]$ gmx grompp -f pme_verlet.mdp -c conf.gro -p :-) GROMACS - gmx grompp, 2021.3 (-: ... GROMACS: gmx grompp, version 2021.3 Executable: /usr/local/apps/gromacs/2021.3/bin/gmx Data prefix: /usr/local/apps/gromacs/2021.3 Working dir: /gpfs/gsfs10/users/apptest4/gromacs/2021-ADH/adh_cubic ...Sample MPI batch script for Gromacs 2021.3
#!/bin/bash module load gromacs/2021.3 gmx_mpi mdrun -ntomp 1 -s topol.tprFor jobs running on CPU, it is recommended to use homogenous nodes with --constraint=x2695. GPU is also available for version 2021.3, you can submit these jobs using the following:
sbatch --ntasks=# --ntasks-per-core=1 --nodes=1 run.2021.3 #ntasks < 16 sbatch -p multinode --ntasks=# --ntasks-per-core=1 --nodes=1 run.2021.3 #ntasks > 16 sbatch -p gpu --gres=gpu:a100:1 --ntasks=1 --ntasks-per-core=1 run.2021.3 # for 1 a100 GPUwhere:
--partition=multinode | Submit to the multinode partition where all nodes are Infiniband-connected |
--constraint=x2695 | All nodes should be x2695's. |
--ntasks # | the number of MPI processes you wish to run. |
--ntasks-per-core=1 | ensures that Gromacs will only run 1 MPI process per physical core (i.e will not use both hyperthreaded CPUs). This is recommended for parallel jobs. |
-ntomp 1 | uses only one OMP thread per MPI thread. This means that Gromacs will run using only MPI, which provides the best performance. |
--time=168:00:00 | max walltime=168 hrs (1 week). See the section on chaining jobs below. |
--exclusive | Allocate the nodes exclusively to this job (recommended for parallel jobs) |
Gromacs version 2022.4 is also available with plumed version 2.8.2
This allows the -plumed option to be used to specify input files
[user@biowulf]$ module load gromacs/2022.4+plumed2.8.2 [+] Loading gcc 8.5.0 ... [+] Loading openmpi/4.1.4/CUDA-11.4 gcc-8.5.0 ... [+] Loading CUDA Toolkit 11.4.4 ... [+] Loading cmake 3.23.0 ... [+] Loading Gromacs 2022.4+plumed2.8.2 ... [+] Built with gcc 8.5, OpenMPI 4.1.4, Plumed 2.8.2 #plumed options [user@biowulf]$ plumed --help ... Usage: plumed [options] [command] [command options] plumed [command] -h|--help: to print help for a specific command Options: [help|-h|--help] : to print this help [--is-installed] : fails if plumed is not installed [--has-mpi] : fails if plumed is running without MPI [--has-dlopen] : fails if plumed is compiled without dlopen [--load LIB] : loads a shared object (typically a plugin library) [--standalone-executable] : tells plumed not to look for commands implemented as scripts Commands: plumed completion : dump a function usable for programmable completion plumed driver : analyze trajectories with plumed plumed driver-float : analyze trajectories with plumed (single precision version) plumed gen_example : construct an example for the manual that users can interact with plumed gentemplate : print out a template input for a particular action plumed info : provide informations about plumed plumed kt : print out the value of kT at a particular temperature plumed manual : print out a description of the keywords for an action in html plumed pathtools : print out a description of the keywords for an action in html plumed pdbrenumber : Modify atom numbers in a PDB, possibly using hybrid-36 coding plumed pesmd : Langevin dynamics on PLUMED energy landscape plumed simplemd : run lj code plumed sum_hills : sum the hills with plumed plumed config : inquire plumed about how it was configure plumed mklib : compile a .cpp file into a shared library plumed newcv : create a new collective variable from a template plumed partial_tempering : scale parameters in a gromacs topology to implement solute or partial tempering plumed patch : patch an MD engine plumed selector : create lists of serial atom numbers plumed vim2html : convert plumed input file to colored html using vim syntaxDownloading examples and generating input files
#downloading example files [user@biowulf]$ mkdir /data/$USER/gromacs && cd /data/$USER/gromacs [user@biowulf]$ tar xvzf /usr/local/apps/gromacs/tests/ADH_bench_systems.tar.gz [user@biowulf]$ cd ADH/adh_cubic #create MD input file using gromacs preprocessor [user@biowulf adh_cubic]$ gmx_mpi grompp -f pme_verlet.mdp -c conf.gro -p :-) GROMACS - gmx grompp, 2022.4-plumed_2.8.2 (-: Executable: /usr/local/apps/gromacs/2022.4+plumed2.8.2/bin/gmx_mpi Data prefix: /usr/local/apps/gromacs/2022.4+plumed2.8.2 Working dir: /gpfs/gsfs10/users/apptest4/ADH/adh_cubic Command line: gmx_mpi grompp -f pme_verlet.mdp -c conf.gro -p ... #now you have created the necessary .tpr file needed to run gromacs jobsSample MPI batch script for Gromacs 2022.4+plumed2.8.2
#!/bin/bash module load gromacs/2022.4+plumed2.8.2 gmx_mpi mdrun -ntomp 1 -s topol.tprThis version of Gromacs is available to run on CPUs. To submit these jobs you can use the following:
sbatch --ntasks=# --ntasks-per-core=1 --nodes=1 run.2022.4+plumed2.8.2 #ntasks < 16 sbatch -p multinode --ntasks=# --ntasks-per-core=1 --nodes=1 run.2022.4+plumed2.8.2 #ntasks > 16where:
--partition=multinode | Submit to the multinode partition where all nodes are Infiniband-connected |
--constraint=x2695 | All nodes should be x2695's. |
--ntasks # | the number of MPI processes you wish to run. |
--ntasks-per-core=1 | ensures that Gromacs will only run 1 MPI process per physical core (i.e will not use both hyperthreaded CPUs). This is recommended for parallel jobs. |
-ntomp 1 | uses only one OMP thread per MPI thread. This means that Gromacs will run using only MPI, which provides the best performance. |
--time=168:00:00 | max walltime=168 hrs (1 week). See the section on chaining jobs below. |
--exclusive | Allocate the nodes exclusively to this job (recommended for parallel jobs) |
Gromacs version 2022.4 is built with both CPU and GPU compatibility
[user@biowulf]$ module load gromacs/2022.4 [+] Loading gcc 8.5.0 ... [+] Loading openmpi/4.1.4/CUDA-11.4 gcc-8.5.0 ... [+] Loading CUDA Toolkit 11.4.4 ... [+] Loading cmake 3.23.0 ... [+] Loading Gromacs 2022.4 ... [+] Built with gcc 8.5 CUDA 11.4, OpenMPI 4.1.4 [user@biowulf]$ mkdir /data/$USER/gromacs && cd /data/$USER/gromacs [user@biowulf]$ tar xvzf /usr/local/apps/gromacs/tests/ADH_bench_systems.tar.gz [user@biowulf]$ cd ADH/adh_cubic #create MD input file using gromacs preprocessor [user@biowulf adh_cubic]$ gmx grompp -f pme_verlet.mdp -c conf.gro -p :-) GROMACS - gmx grompp, 2022.4 (-: ... Executable: /usr/local/apps/gromacs/2022.4/bin/gmx Data prefix: /usr/local/apps/gromacs/2022.4 Working dir: /gpfs/gsfs10/users/apptest4/ADH/adh_cubic Command line: gmx grompp -f pme_verlet.mdp -c conf.gro -p ...Sample MPI batch script for Gromacs 2022.4
#!/bin/bash module load gromacs/2022.4 gmx_mpi mdrun -ntomp 1 -s topol.tprFor jobs running on CPU, it is recommended to use homogenous nodes with --constraint=x2695. GPU is also available for version 2022.4, you can submit these jobs using the following:
sbatch --ntasks=# --ntasks-per-core=1 --nodes=1 run.2022.4 #ntasks < 16 sbatch -p multinode --ntasks=# --ntasks-per-core=1 --nodes=1 run.2022.4 #ntasks > 16 sbatch -p gpu --gres=gpu:a100:1 --ntasks=1 --ntasks-per-core=1 run.2022.4 # for 1 a100 GPUwhere:
--partition=multinode | Submit to the multinode partition where all nodes are Infiniband-connected |
--constraint=x2695 | All nodes should be x2695's. |
--ntasks # | the number of MPI processes you wish to run. |
--ntasks-per-core=1 | ensures that Gromacs will only run 1 MPI process per physical core (i.e will not use both hyperthreaded CPUs). This is recommended for parallel jobs. |
-ntomp 1 | uses only one OMP thread per MPI thread. This means that Gromacs will run using only MPI, which provides the best performance. |
--time=168:00:00 | max walltime=168 hrs (1 week). See the section on chaining jobs below. |
--exclusive | Allocate the nodes exclusively to this job (recommended for parallel jobs) |
Gromacs documentation for 2022.4
Gromacs version 2024 has three available verisons; two are version 2024.0- one compiled with Intel 2022 and one compiled with gcc
Gromacs version 2024.1 is also available with the new Intel 2024 compiler
[user@biowulf]$ module load gromacs [+] Loading CUDA Toolkit 12.1.0 ... [+] Loading Intel 2024.0.1.46 Compilers ... [+] Loading openmpi/4.1.6/intel-2024.0.1.46 ... [+] Loading Gromacs 2024.1-intel2024 ... [+] Built with OpenMPI 4.1.6, gcc 11.3.0, Intel 2024.0.1.46 [user@biowulf]$ mkdir /data/$USER/gromacs && cd /data/$USER/gromacs [user@biowulf]$ tar xvzf /usr/local/apps/gromacs/tests/ADH_bench_systems.tar.gz [user@biowulf]$ cd ADH/adh_cubic #create MD input file using gromacs preprocessor [user@biowulf adh_cubic]$ gmx grompp -f pme_verlet.mdp -c conf.gro -p :-) GROMACS - gmx grompp, 2024.1 (-: Executable: /usr/local/apps/gromacs/2024.1-intel2024.0/bin/gmx Data prefix: /usr/local/apps/gromacs/2024.1-intel2024.0 Working dir: /vf/users/ashdownht/gromacs_all/g-copy/adh_cubic Command line: gmx grompp -f pme_verlet.mdp -c conf.gro -p ...Sample MPI batch script for Gromacs 2024.1
#!/bin/bash module load gromacs/2024.1-intel2024 gmx_mpi mdrun -ntomp 1 -s topol.tprFor jobs running on CPU, it is recommended to use homogenous nodes with --constraint=x2695. GPU is also available for version 2023.2, you can submit these jobs using the following:
sbatch --ntasks=# --ntasks-per-core=1 --nodes=1 run.2024.1 #ntasks < 16 sbatch -p multinode --ntasks=# --ntasks-per-core=1 --nodes=1 run.2024.1 #ntasks > 16 sbatch -p gpu --gres=gpu:a100:1 --ntasks=1 --ntasks-per-core=1 run.2024.1 # for 1 a100 GPUwhere:
--partition=multinode | Submit to the multinode partition where all nodes are Infiniband-connected |
--constraint=x2695 | All nodes should be x2695's. |
--ntasks # | the number of MPI processes you wish to run. |
--ntasks-per-core=1 | ensures that Gromacs will only run 1 MPI process per physical core (i.e will not use both hyperthreaded CPUs). This is recommended for parallel jobs. |
-ntomp 1 | uses only one OMP thread per MPI thread. This means that Gromacs will run using only MPI, which provides the best performance. |
--time=168:00:00 | max walltime=168 hrs (1 week). See the section on chaining jobs below. |
--exclusive | Allocate the nodes exclusively to this job (recommended for parallel jobs) |
Sample batch script for Gromacs 4.6.5 (thanks to Mingzhen Zhang)
#!/bin/bash module load gromacs/2018 cd $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR mpirun -np $SLURM_NTASKS `which mdrun_mpi` -ntomp 1 -s cmd_.tpr -maxh 0.50 -resethway -noconfout -cpi state.cpt -noappend -multi 48 -replex 1000
Submit with:
sbatch --partition multinode --constraint=x2695 --job-name=MyJob --ntasks=64 --ntasks-per-core=1 --exclusive myjobscript
Use 'freen' to see GPUs available.
biowulf% freen .......Per-Node Resources...... Partition FreeNds FreeCPUs FreeGPUs Cores CPUs GPUs Mem Disk Features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... multinode 320/587 20168/32872 28 56 247g 400g cpu56,core28,g256,ssd400,x2695,ibfdr multinode 15 /620 2254 /34720 28 56 247g 800g cpu56,core28,g256,ssd800,x2680,ibfdr gpu (v100x) 3 /52 2262 /3744 43 /208 36 72 4 373g 1600g cpu72,core36,g384,ssd1600,x6140,ibhdr,gpuv100x gpu (a100) 0 /33 890 /2112 0 /132 32 64 4 247g 3200g cpu64,core32,g256,ssd3200,e7543p,ibhdr200,gpua100 gpu (p100) 3 /46 776 /2576 42 /184 28 56 4 121g 650g cpu56,core28,g128,ssd650,x2680,ibfdr,gpup100 gpu (k80) 4 /19 224 /1064 16 /76 28 56 4 247g 400g cpu56,core28,g256,ssd400,x2695,ibfdr,gpuk80 gpu (k80) 21 /65 2070 /3640 138/260 28 56 4 247g 800g cpu56,core28,g256,ssd800,x2680,ibfdr,gpuk80 gpu (v100) 0 /7 298 /392 5 /28 28 56 4 121g 800g cpu56,core28,g128,ssd800,x2680,ibfdr,gpuv100 ...
The max walltime on the multinode partition is 10 days. (type 'batchlim' to see the CPU and walltime limits on all partitions). Thus, jobs should be designed to run for a week or so, save a checkpoint file, and submit a new job starting from that checkpoint.
A reasonable strategy would be to set up a job to run for a week or less by setting the number of steps appropriately, and then, at the end of the job, have it resubmit itself to continue the simulation. Below is a sample batch script:
#!/bin/bash # this script is called Run.ib module load gromacs/2018.3 cd /path/to/my/dir mpirun -np $SLURM_NTASKS `which mdrun_mpi` -ntomp 1 -s ion_channel.tpr -maxh 0.50 -resethway -noconfout -nsteps 1000 # use tpbconv to create a new topol.tpr file with an increased number of steps tpbconv -s topol.tpr -extend 500 -o topol2.tpr #move the newly created topol.tpr into place mv topol.tpr topol.tpr.prev; mv topol2.tpr topol.tpr #resubmit this script sbatch --partition multinode --constraint=x2680 --job-name=gmx --ntasks=# --ntasks-per-core=1 --time=168:00:00 --exclusive Run.ibMore information at Extending Simulations on the Gromacs site.
If a Gromacs job is terminated unexpectedly (for example, the walltime limit was hit before the mdrun completed), it is simple to restart. The state.cpt file contains all the information necessary to continue the simulation. Use the '-cpi' and '-append' options to mdrun, which will append to existing energy, trajectory and log files. For example:
mpirun -n $np `which mdrun_mpi` -s topol.tpr -cpi state.cpt -append
More information at Doing Restarts on the Gromacs website.
Make sure you request homogenous resources. The 'freen' command will show several kinds of nodes in the multinode partition. Pick one (depending on CPU speed or availability), and submit to only that type of node by using the 'constraint' flag. e.g.
#SBATCH --constraint=x2695Running on a mix of node types will effectively mean running on the slowest type of node.
#SBATCH --ntasks=112 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=1 #SBATCH --nodes=4 #SBATCH --exclusive #SBATCH --constraint=nodetype
Example of a well set up job biowulf% jobload -j 11111111 JOBID TIME NODES CPUS THREADS LOAD MEMORY Elapsed / Wall Alloc Active Used / Alloc 11111111 0-04:05:52 / 2-02:00:00 cn1135 56 28 50% 0.8 / 4.0 GB 0-04:05:52 / 2-02:00:00 cn2170 56 28 50% 0.8 / 4.0 GB 0-04:05:52 / 2-02:00:00 cn2171 56 28 50% 0.8 / 4.0 GB 0-04:05:52 / 2-02:00:00 cn2172 56 28 50% 0.8 / 4.0 GB
Example of a poorly set up job biowulf% jobload -j 11111111 JOBID TIME NODES CPUS THREADS LOAD MEMORY Elapsed / Wall Alloc Active Used / Alloc 11111111 0-04:05:52 / 2-02:00:00 cn1135 4 4 100% 0.3 / 4.0 GB 0-04:05:52 / 2-02:00:00 cn2170 16 13 81% 0.8 / 4.0 GB 0-04:05:52 / 2-02:00:00 cn2171 16 13 81% 0.8 / 4.0 GB 0-04:05:52 / 2-02:00:00 cn2172 48 13 27% 0.8 / 4.0 GB 0-04:05:52 / 2-02:00:00 cn3024 44 13 30% 0.8 / 4.0 GB 0-04:05:52 / 2-02:00:00 cn3025 44 13 30% 0.8 / 4.0 GB
see the benchmarks page