Biowulf High Performance Computing at the NIH
NAMD Benchmarks

Important: Please read the webpage Making efficient use of Biowulf's Multinode Partition before running large parallel jobs.

Older Benchmarks: [NAMD 2.12] [NAMD 2.10]

NAMD 3.0 beta on Biowulf GPUS

April 2023 STMV benchmark, 1,066,628 atoms, periodic, PME (available from here)

NAMD config file used for these GPU benchmarks was run with these parameters: P100 & V100: GPUPERF=1; V100X & A100: GPUPERF=2. (as recommended by David Hardy, UIUC).

These benchmarks are simply provided here to give an estimate of the performance. Users who use NAMD 3.0 for their own runs should carefully read the NAMD 3.0 documentation.


OS: Rocky Linux release 8.7

NAMD 2.14 on CPUs

The Infiniband CPU benchmarks were performed with NAMD 2.14, Linux-x86_64-ibverbs , downloaded from here.
Hardware: 28 x 2.3 GHz (Intel E5-2695v3) (Biowulf multinode partition, x2695 nodes)

NAMD 2.14 on Biowulf GPUs

GPU benchmarks were performed with NAMD 2.14, Linux-x86_64-ibverbs-smp-CUDA downloaded from here.

Hardware: as above for the 3.0alpha13 benchmarks.
OS: Rocky Linux release 8.7